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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Yepper. I used to breed ramshorns for fun. yellow shell/red foot = red ramshorn yellow shell/brown foot = brown ramshorn clear/red foot/pink foot= Pink Ramshorn clear shell/brown foot= "blue" ramshorn. All these can have leopard spots as well. Clear shells turn whitish with build up of calcium as they get older.
  2. I guess it depends on what personal feelings are with an individual animal. For some, how much an animal costs correlates with how well they treat an animal. For others, it depends on what type of emotional bond they have with it.
  3. The smaller ones look like pinks while the larger ones look like blues.
  4. Well there ya go. You see you are essentially making a "slot" for your dividers by building up silicone all around it.
  5. I think it is an awesome experiment to try! Your whole theory is that orange eye is a simple recessive though. Does anyone know this as fact?
  6. While it's true there will be no mechanical filtration that way, there will still be biofiltration due to the colonies of bacteria living on it.
  7. "I have crossed green lightning endlers with a red picta" Have any pics of this?
  8. If my memory srves correctly, you can use an african cichlid substrate, or even crushed coral for a high gh for Sulawesi. Can anyone confirm this?
  9. Powder for me is by far more economical. I'm just getting tired of all the testing and dissolving. What do you think of Fluval? I'm currently using this for my C grade crs tank and it has been doing very well.
  10. Another Illini. Whereabouts are ya? Welcome!
  11. In your opinion, what is the best liquid remineralizer to use?
  12. I like the idea of red bolts, but haven't seen many nicely colored ones.
  13. One type of soil was turned away due to twigs being in it. Something about organic matter not being allowed to come into the country.
  14. IMO, barometric pressure plays a role in breeding, but other factors have to nudge things, too.
  15. How soft does the water get? I use UP sand, and it has no leeching either and shrimp can be added that day. However I've been having ph in the 5's, whereas I'd like it in the 6's.
  16. 2 different species kept in the same tank at my place. The dwarf cray is actually a dwarf cajun.
  17. Almost all crays are opportunistic. Anything they can catch yada yada yada. LOL
  18. British, the Amie Shrimp are what I'm aspiring my Sapphires to look like. His are further along though. If I could get my hands on some of those, and they bred true, I'd drop my Sapphire line for those. My rule of thumb is "why reinvent the wheel?"
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