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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I have an adult dwarf cray and adult shufeldtii cray (?) that I'd like to give away as a pair for free. I need the tank room. Shipping would be $10 priority to the continental US. No DOA guarantee since they are free. First one who wants them gets them. Thanks!
  2. I suppose the best is if they did it for insurance.
  3. Welcome! What are your params for OEBT?
  4. The beginning of paying off. skycat. heh I have no secrets here. I succeeded in making darker blue velvets, but only have some that look Sonic. My mission is to have true breeding Sonics, but that takes more time.
  5. The day you stop learning is the day you are dead, my friend.
  6. Welcome! Honestly, shipping from most of the continental US should be fine to you. I know ravensgate is having a good sale in the market section right now, and Deta may be the closest. Lots of people to choose from here.
  7. 6.5ish- 6.8ish is where I would like. Had berries twice before and both were dropped. I'm trying to breed for super red phenotypes. I noticed the crs berried is still berried today, so that's good news. ph is at 7 now. 6.9 this morn when I turned on lights. I don't think I'll mess with it, and allow the sand to fight the soda.
  8. Miwu is absolutely correct. If it is a simple recessive, then recessive + recessive = 100% recessive Instant pure breeding shrimp. However, until I see a colony to support his theory......
  9. I'll see if I can get some nice pics today of it.
  10. Both pictured are carbons. Blue rili and BV look almost identical in phenotype. This led to many sellers using the name interchangeably causing confusion with genetics. About the only way to tell is during late egg development (BV will have red eggs when ready to hatch), and newborns (BV newborns will appear to look like red rilis. The red fades as they grow. BR will appear blue as newborns.) The differences are even less the darker colored one breeds BV. My darker blue Sonic line that has taken years to get to doesn't even have rili markings as newborns anymore. This is where it becomes extremely important to trust that the seller knows exactly what they are selling. Just looking over AB yesterday, I noticed there are at least three sellers mislabeling shrimp easy to distinguish by phenotype. How many more misrepresent if it looks like something else?
  11. So I accidentally used too much baking soda in my crs tank, and jumped my 5.3ph to 7ph . I did a 50% water change, but the ph is holding at 7ish. Is there something I can use to drop the ph a little to 6.5ish or so? I read I can't use vinegar because with the baking soda in the water it forms carbolic acid and creates carbon dioxide. Do I just wait for the up sand to lower it again?
  12. That has been my past experience. When breeding stops for unknown reasons, increase or decrease TDS to find a sweet spot and breeding will start again. For example, I had an orange sakura colony once that would only breed well with a TDS of 400ish. I increased all my tanks to ~300 today, so we'll see if we get breeding.
  13. Just a note that lots of shrimp can be one offs. Nadal is famous for naming a single shrimp that may have popped up. However IMHO a name should be reserved for a successful strain that is either successful or being worked on.
  14. These are my experiences: Blue rili- bastardized name. Actually refers to an all blue tissue shrimp Carbons- relatively stable. As with any rili, if you want to keep a certain rili pattern you will have to cull splotches. Orange rili- Unstable. Throws what looks to be yellowish shrimp as well without the rili pattern, and splotches. Red Rili- about as standardized as you can get, however you will still have to cull to keep pattern. BBRR- Blue bodied red rili. Extremely hard to increase the blue tissue, and keep the red pigment. No true breeding as of yet that I know of. I've been working on a line for years, and it still throws red rilis randomly.
  15. Well, we're 3/4 through the year and I changed two things on my shrimp tanks to see if I could tweak sweet spots. 1- Lower TDS to 150ish 2- Use SS gh/kh As a result my shrimp have pretty much halted breeding. I blame much on the freak weather we had last/this year, but I'm sure one of the two changes also affected them. So, I'm slowly building my TDS again up to 300ish. I'll report results again when I've had enough time to make a determination.
  16. Thanks Kim. I decided their name will be Sonic, but I appreciate your input.
  17. h2o2 breaks down into oxygen and water in very little time. I wouldn't be worried.
  18. Occasionally I sell. Heck, it's one way to support my hobby and all the money it has eaten up from me. Plus, I like the idea of trying to better strains that are already out there, too. But let's face it. It's fun to do your own thang and see the results. You have to be patient though. Some of the vars I've been trying to develop have taken over half a decade to get only as far as I have. Even then, sometimes it pans out...and sometimes it peters out. Heck, I've failed more times than succeeded, but that's just part of the game.
  19. I was working on a neo line called "Plum" once. See through red shell with blue tissue. Ultimately it was a weak strain and died out, but I know every once in a while it pops up in cherries.
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