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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. On the upside, you want splotched if you are going to breed for a particular pattern....and some people just like the splotched look because they don't want all their shrimp looking the same.
  2. I feed off some culls to my fish. In this way the life cycle continues.
  3. BBRR . You get splotched like that if you do not breed for rili pattern.
  4. I don't. If you do though, according to kordon- wrap the outside of the first bag with paper towel or tissue paper, and then bag again. This is to allow air exchange, otherwise the air doesn't get through.
  5. I'm actually thinking of heating my entire room via portable, rather than tank heaters again.
  6. wrap this one in bubble wrap and duct tape.
  7. From what I read, it grows in moist conditions, but will die submerged.
  8. I purposely made it classic again.
  9. Bottom left corner is a tab for classic.
  10. Do you keep them all in one tank, or have species only tanks?
  11. I've said for a long time that breeding for quality is better.
  12. Thanks folks! I like the prefilter that comes with the Danner, however I like that I can adjust the Synca even more. Looks like I'm going to have to start saving pennies.
  13. This is what I'm talking about! This is the type of information that will make people try the hobby and have success. This is what will build shrimping in America. GREAT POST!
  14. There's been some interesting results from TaiTB. However, like Taylor said- Sulawesi have been neglected totally so far here, so crossings would definitely be interesting -if you can get them to do it.
  15. I leave them in. They don't hurt anything and provide extra nutrition
  16. 1. ShrimpSageMode 2. James Aquatics 3. USCGJay 4. Featherblue 5. swissian 6. MN Shrimping 7. Soothing Shrimp
  17. Love that you jumped right in. Welcome!
  18. You're turning 20? Awesome!
  19. "...is there something else I could or should be doing?" Yepper, having fun on your vacation.
  20. The algae on the glass produces food for them to eat, so they don't eat algae itself. Clado and hair algae is pretty much useless except as a biofilm catcher. And, although I have no proof, I think it has been dangerous in too much quantity for my shrimp.
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