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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I tend to bend the net at a 30-45 deg angle, so I can come up under shrimp as well.
  2. British Red, in my opinion, my BM have not bred true. In your opinion, what do you consider to be Bloody Mary?
  3. Curiosity draws people. Interest allows them to try.
  4. You can also raise the tube above the surface. As long as water comes out, you are good, and no bubble noise.
  5. I prefer the extendables myself because I can change the length for tanks under a shelf.
  6. *shrugs* It's worked very well for our theatre, etc. No complaints from us.
  7. The biggest challenge in doing it in someone's house or church are obtaining all the tanks, and being open for visitors.
  8. Can I help it if we have a great forum that I like to be involved with?
  9. Cool. More than one way create a var. His may be a mutation, someone else may selectively breed it. Either way, I like it.
  10. No need to fly anywhere. You can enter your shrimp via shipping.
  11. Congrats Shrimp Spot! You are now past 20,000 posts!
  12. That's the first I've heard of using blackout for the parasite. Interesting! Have you tried this yourself?
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