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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. If you are able to find true BV, they are your best for little to no culling. Problem is, in the neo world right now, if a color looks like a name- people are calling it that whether true or not.
  2. Great to have you here, dude!
  3. Hiding spots are recommended. Even if just a clump of moss. Lots of males get frenzied after a female molts. Once a fem is tracked down and held, other males may try to fight to join in on mating. The hiding spot limits how many males find her at one time. The fem's exoskeleton has not hardened yet, and for some reason in all the excitement she can be confused for food. (No idea why.) Doesn't always happen, but sometimes it does.
  4. I'm glad you made the write up. Many other hobbyists feel isolated when it comes to shrimp deaths. Now they are able to relate a bit more with yours. One thing I've learned while keeping shrimp is to feed very very minimally. I feed M, W, F. That's it. Extra food will decompose and cause water problem fast. One hobbyists put it this way, "Think about feeding what you think is too little, then feed less."
  5. Yes! I couldn't agree more!!!! Instead of putting in the time to stabilize, they immediately select and sell. Same with some of the newer cards showing up now. (Sounds like your Topaz are what we call Blue Diamonds.)
  6. Glad we were able to talk in pm. I think forcing a molt was a good way to go.
  7. Beat me by a long run! LOL I've downsized to less than 30 tanks now due to moving out most of my neos!
  8. Soothing Shrimp

    Grow your own

    Sounds like a nice thread for the DIY section.
  9. You can wedge the purigen in back of your sponge filter if desired, and it will be fine.
  10. Any web series watchers here? I'd love this thread to be a general discussion on the many aspects of web series.
  11. I also received shrimp. Beautiful coloration, and communication was top notch.
  12. I believe it too. Most of my tanks have no way to tell the season, so it has to be a natural outside influence. I think it may be barometric pressure, or change of gravity- but have no scientific proof.
  13. This was posted on FB. It looks like your shrimp to me.
  14. If you look at the swimerettes in the first picture though, those are also white, which leads me to think it may not be bacterial. (?) Usually bacterial affects the body and turns it paper opaque white, but leaves swimerettes alone. I have to admit it is confusing to me why there would be white pigment though since snowballs have no pigment. This leads me back to these could be white pearls or thicker shell...
  15. Bryce (I feel weird saying that, since that is my name too. LOL) , do you mind if I put this in the DIY section for others to try if desired as well?
  16. Looks like the body is too large for the shell. Have you tried forcing a molt?
  17. gh sounds okay. As long as it isn't bacterial, I say go for it!
  18. I wonder if that is the white pearl version? What is your gh? I want to rule out thick shell.
  19. Soothing Shrimp

    Grow your own

    Great write up! Pics? Oh, and what ratio plant to tanks?
  20. Imo dark substrate encourages shrimp colors to be more prominant.
  21. I think lots of us like to play it safe. We work too hard on our shrimp to take too many chances.
  22. I'm a big believer in well wishes and prayer.
  23. Problem is you can get it as food for farm animals cheap, but most is not grown organically. Same reason you pay for leaves free of pesticides.
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