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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. The best hosting site for low cost I've found is bluehost.com I really like Xara Web Designer.
  2. As long as the net is 3-d like the one pictured, you'll never go back to the old folding nets again...at least I won't.
  3. Shrimp, crays, crabs and snails are a great plan! That was we can make the show even larger and put some great examples on display for the public. Shrimp Spot can showcase a number of species that way!
  4. If memory serves correctly, RO should be neutral and have a ph of 7, while the final factor depends in how much CO2 in the air is saturated in the water.
  5. Doesn't have to be that fast, heh, I just have lots of tanks that I'd like to get done in one day. Cheap is better over fast, although I'd like to just stand there and fill'er up without waiting too long.
  6. I don't know of any shrimp shows in the US. Sounds like there's some interest which is good, and I also like the partnering aspect. Sounds like we have to have a board to figure out details, and a club to partner with. Any suggestions?
  7. I'm looking for a pump that can fill up fish tanks at a pretty good rate of speed that can lift to 7 feet. Bilge pump? Water fountain pump? The cheaper the better. How many gph? I'm looking to replace 50% of a tenner (5g) in around 10 seconds or so. This is for fish- not shrimp, so it should be okay. Help?
  8. Just an idea, however what would people say to a Shrimp Spot Shrimp Show? We would be pioneers by having the first ever forum shrimp show in the USA? Lots of stuff would have to be figured out. I think California may have the most shrimpers, however unsure about a show there with their drought right now. Submission fee required naturally, and folks could attend in person or enter submissions via mailing them in overnight. Perhaps a tank business could sponsor since the shrimp would have to be housed for judging anyway? Ideas? Suggestions? Bad idea? Good idea?
  9. "It does say the max load is 29 lbs, but i have about 5 gallon in each of the center shelf." A 5g with water and substrate is around 50lbs. But sounds as if your shelf is holding well for you.
  10. I don't like that I can't see e-mails from anyone who sent money in the details section. I also don't like when sending money, I can't find a memo to write in a personal message. Both those may be there, but I can't find them.
  11. Great question about the dog food. Since this is a family friendly forum, the title has been changed a bit, but the meaning is still there. Dog food is essentially protein, so shouldn't be a problem except for the oil slick on top which can be sucked up by laying a paper towel flat and then removing it.
  12. What do people think of the new paypal look/feel?
  13. I know Taylor likes Mantis Shrimp, so this may fit perfectly in his shrimp room. http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/nature/post/shrimp-like-creature-quite-catch/
  14. ponds and ramshorns seem to do okay with it in my tanks.
  15. In the conUS we have to have exporting papers/license to legally send live animals to Hawaii or we risk fines, or even court ordered banning of owning aquatic animals. Do we have to have importing papers/license for legally obtaining organic foods for shrimp in the conUS?
  16. How old is the tank, and do you have any other livestock in it?
  17. I've said for years we need a shrimp contest somewhere. Even if we start by sending shrimp to a local club to judge. Contests build good natured competition and that means better shrimp being sold in the US.
  18. How did you acclimate them? How hot in your house? btw, welcome to the forum!
  19. yepper. 1) set bag in container. 2)Cut open the top most of the way 3) using scissors cut down one side to the corner 4) cut down the other side to the corner This makes a flap or sheet, so you can just dip the rest of the bag in the water and pull it out.
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