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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I don't have issues either, but Poopians lives in a town that is so small the entire fire dept is 2 birds and a water pick.
  2. I have Malawas to sell ya, and we have some Sulawesi being sold here that are hard to find. Welcome!
  3. check out my post #14 http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/1342-membership-patchperks-discussion/#entry19434
  4. Couldn't agree more- especially this factor: "Many times, those beautiful pictures we see online and in photos represent the 1%. A majority of the unseen population looks nowhere near the one pictured. Show the best, sell the rest. "
  5. I had to use it in a tank recently that had a ton of babies. .1g and no ill effects. (Planaria from random moss. grrrrr.) These are neos, however your crs should be okay too.
  6. It's sad that large breeders are doing this now, too. I think it puts many people off shrimping when first entering the hobby. I think hobbyists take it much more seriously. Heck, I could have sold my Nessies or Sapphires years ago, for instance. However as a hobbyist, I want people to have a color that breeds true!
  7. In my opinion, stick with the ones you have. Sounds like weird advice, huh? However consider that you have been working to isolate and shrink down the bell curve by slowly getting the modifiers into place. It's taken two years to do this. Any new blood at this point will spread the modifiers out again and you'll have to start over. However I understand your frustration. Some projects are just aggravating! I have been working on BBRR for at least 2 years and have very little to show for it. Sure I have blue in most, however it is so light- it may as well be RR.
  8. I appreciate the heads up. I've used it several times, and haven't had any probs with it.
  9. I'm interested. How much and what form do you have your foods in?
  10. I should have got here sooner. My specialty is neos. It's about all I have worked with for the last several years, and have lots of tanks. (I forget at this exact moment how many.) SS gh will be just fine for your neos. SS gh/kh will be fine, too. Both will work. I've done both and haven't seen any difference. As far as TDS, I've seen people keep neos in 1000+ TDS and they bred fine. Neos are the TANKS of the shrimp world. Meaning they can take a lot and still survive. I've personally kept them in anything from 150-600. I've experimented a lot to find the sweet spot for me and my water, location, etc. This year I've tried 150, however I think I've gotten better breeding at 300-400, so I'm going back to that again by the end of the year. gh for me is best between 6- 12. Below 6 and they tend to have problems molting for me and die off. As far as changing TDS, I don't have any problem raising it instantly. However when dropping TDS, I have a rule that I don't drop any more than 100 TDS in a wc for neos. 50 for more sensitive shrimp. By reducing the TDS, it sucks the minerals from the shrimp bodies which can be hard for them until they adjust. If using RO + SS, I find the TDS of the gh I like (1 gh very roughly equals 20 TDS) and just mix to that TDS from then on. Hope this helps some?
  11. You had some Chris? I wonder if the cost was prohibitive.
  12. remove mystery snails, too. Actually I only use .1g for planaria, and use .05 for hydra. Takes a bit longer, but gentler on the shrimp and still gets rid of them fine.
  13. I think it depends on the kind of algae.
  14. You tell me. Is this vid a prank or staged?
  15. This is the best I've found: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR11.TRC1.A0.H0.Xfish+bendazole&_nkw=fish+bendazole&_sacat=0 .1g for a tenner. Turn light off first day since it degrades in light. Repeat after 3 days if needed. WC 3 days after 2nd dose if needed
  16. You may be correct, however I have no complaints about my cheapie pure water club one.
  17. For me, I like having consistent lines so I can concentrate on improving strains.
  18. Never occurred to me since I don't use a timer. LOL
  19. For general items, check out zazzle.com You can create all kinds of things, not have to carry the stock, and not have to worry about base cost.
  20. LOL I read it the same way, but apparently you did. So I was incorrect.
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