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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. My title to the post is misleading. I have UP shrimp sand, not soil. However some people have told me it is the same thing, just smaller.
  2. Higher temps can result in bacterial infections. Honestly, from what I'm hearing- it sounds as if something in your tap water has changed. I had lots of unknown problems when I was using my tap. I changed to RO and most of the problems were eliminated immediately. You don't even have to buy a system to start. Just jugs of RO water at the grocery store for water changes will help.
  3. Rachel managed to accidentally breed them once, but I don't think she succeeded after that. From what I understand, breeding in captivity is very rare.
  4. I feed my malawa fish/crays that happen to die. I just throw them in.
  5. I like the feedback we have. Thanks Will! As far as top feedback, I'm not sure that's necessary as people who want to buy will look at the feedbackof that person per sales post.
  6. I just hate to use something that is going to wear out the sand faster. I see a tug of war, but if that's my only option... Nothing in the tank except the sand and moss.
  7. My ph is around 5 in my UP shrimp sand tank. I'm guessing perhaps that's why my crs hasn't berried except for once. What can I do to raise my ph to 6-6.5?
  8. Don't be surprised on suspension or banning.
  9. Shrimp change color awhile after they die. Some turn red/orange. Some turn whitish. I wouldn't panic just yet. Sometimes a shrimp dies just because. As long as you don't have several shrimp dying in a row, it could be just a natural occurrence. You say you already did a water change. Leave params alone for a while. Let them adjust and just continue to monitor any changes.
  10. For fresh seafood, dry ice and overnight are the best ways. If you can freeze your food, it may help as well. Otherwise you risk poisoning, IMO. If you can dehydrate it, or have a powder for adding water - to make your clay product- you'll save yourself big problems.
  11. Looks to me as if something is fouling your water and causing a bacterial bloom. What kind of food are you using, and when do you remove uneaten food, if at all? If those shrimp were cherries, I'd say they had a bad bacterial infection. Someone else will have to answer for crs though.
  12. If it is that fresh, I don't know that it would last 3 days in the mail. However, if you are planning to do a lot of shipping, maybe this may be more economical: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Scienceware-European-Model-Frigimat-Junior-Dry-Ice-Maker-Flake-Snow-Bel-Art-/131208231332?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e8c9eb9a4
  13. Food? Heck yeah, I'm in. 1. Soothing Shrimp
  14. I'm curious why you would need ice packs with food?
  15. If a wild is thrown in your rcs tank, you have a good chance of your reds becoming wild. Not only is wild dominant, but harder to see if the fish decide on snacks.
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