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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Sounds like evolution. The bv must have thrown a mutation for "carbon" type, and this mutation was dominant and took over. Are there fish in the tank? If that is the case, it could be evolution through natural selection.
  2. Fantastic write up! How many eggs on avg? Eggs just start to drop when they are ready? Or is there something else to look for? Is there certain things to look for in the males that are ready for ...um... milting? How do you tell the difference between male/female?
  3. I think that's exactly the reason, Mcdonnelv. For so long everyone has focus on the high grades, they lost sight of other varieties that could be made. Now, because I love vars., I'm smiling ear to ear at some of these new types popping up!
  4. According to the web, 1/5 bleach to 4/5 water, then dip 3-5 second. Never tried it, so I'm hoping more experienced people with plants will be able to chime in.
  5. I have mine without the DI, but otherwise 100gpd http://www.purewaterclub.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=333. EDIT: huh I guess I do have DI after all.
  6. purewaterclub.com has some cheap ro units if you are on a budget. I bought one and have been very pleased with it.
  7. Not right now. I see them for sale occasionaly for around $100 ea
  8. Unless showing saddles at juvie age, you really have to wait until young adult to start making an id on gender. At least I do.
  9. All new vars start from somewhere. No doubt he started with low grade white and has been working to breed out any white spots, while retaining as much red as possible. You could try starting your own line too.
  10. OKay you guys, I have 4 pair, so it looks like everyone who wanted to try breeding them for research is able to do so. I'll be in touch over the weekend.
  11. Am I correct in thinking blackbeard?
  12. The reason why most people use peat is to avoid mold/fungus when storing the eggs.
  13. Hate to have seen that bill. I had a cat that had to have a huge amount of skin removed on her back due to cancer. I could barely cover that at the time. Good to know she's living old age in her 2nd youth!
  14. Look up digital postage scale. I got one ubber cheap on ebay a while back.
  15. Shortgal, what a beautiful pic of cricket! How old, and how did she lose an eye?
  16. Most people use peat moss for these, but there are a couple of people whom have tried mops.
  17. Great info! Thanks subtle! Yeah, I kinda figured that on the vials. However it should be a great occasional boost, and like you said- for start up.
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