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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. To those shipping, remember that Monday is a holiday!
  2. I bought peat granules for the aquarium. What I'd like to do is put them in a coffee grinder and make it a powder. Then after eggs are laid, put it through a flour sifter and collect the eggs to store. Don't know how well that will work, but in theory it should work. heh
  3. countryboy, that's what stops me. )
  4. Yepper. Some people use synthetics to hold onto. I prefer to send them with moss.
  5. Shrimp tie tacks: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Shrimp-Gold-Toned-Mens-Tie-Tack-Clip-Jewelry-Animal-Ocean-Crustacean-/291185453595?pt=US_Mens_Jewelry&hash=item43cc016a1b http://www.ebay.com/itm/SHRIMP-TIE-TACK-GOLD-PLATED-PEWTER-USA-MADE-FREE-US-SHIPPING-/360839831890?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5403bae152 Fish tie tacks http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=fish+tie+tack&_osacat=0&_from=R40|R40&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xfish+tie+tack+-stouragen+-bass++-trout+-swordfish&_nkw=fish+tie+tack+-stouragen+-bass++-trout+-swordfish&_sacat=0
  6. The common advice seems to be that they are doomed so better off to not raise them if you see them. So far, I seem to be notice the theory is heading out to be wrong.
  7. They'll be more opportunities, I'm sure. I did the previous one for auction software, these fine folks stepped up to this one. As we need more things, they'll be software you can sponsor.
  8. Along with other foods, you may want to try rotifiers, greenwater, and bbs. Yes, some may be too small for bbs, but others may not be.
  9. Can't help ya on the question, however wanted to welcome you to the forum.
  10. When I need ro, I just turn it on and let it run overnight into my Brute garbage can. That way it is ready when I need it.
  11. If my theory is correct- which is why we need this research- then both swimmers and belly sliders should give the standard round of fry. This could very well change the whole killi breeding game for killi breeders.
  12. An idea would be to put the prefix tabs in the subforum as well? I know that the marketplace tab likes one item at a time, however that really is very time consuming. :-/
  13. I've been using the marketplace subforum more than the marketplace tab because to me, it's easier to use. What is everyone else's feelings on this?
  14. Ugh. I've had to through away more TDS meters due to corroded batteries...
  15. Fresh food and easy to grow. Also cheaper than having to buy food all the time. I had so many mysteries they would go through a head of lettuce in 2-3 days.
  16. My water pressure is extremely low in this house. When I put it through the RO it takes about 3 hours for a 5g bucket, and winds up in the teens or low 20's after some use. Not perfect, but I won't go back to regular tap.
  17. Just some pics of the belly sliders perching in the moss "tree." It seems as if being off the ground may be hardwired into their psyche.
  18. Just some pics of the slider birds perching in the tree.
  19. I always have two ot three laying around just for that reason. It's only at the most inconvenient times that tools don't work!
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