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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Coolish. I believe I only have 4 pairs, and my preference would be to send a pair to each person interested. That way it's safety. If there's a tragedy, the others may still be okay. If one pair doesn't breed in someone's conditions, maybe the others will. And so on... I'll end up drawing 4 random numbers to give the belly slider pairs to for further research. So far on the list is: 1. mystikniteite 2. DaBoss 808 Are you in the random drawing Greenteam?
  2. No jumpers here, although strangely enough- they do like to perch in moss like underwater birds. I guess the idea of being off the ground is ingrained in their psyche. The container doesn't have to be big. My 2.5g holds 10+ of these fish. Heck, they could probably make a marina breeder box a home. Green: These are about as big as adult cherry shrimp. Roughly a skinny inch. I'm ignorant of swordtail fry. These are extremely non aggressive. Very peaceful.
  3. Well, you have a little time to find the right container. Even a storage container would work. I just have a sponge filter- nothing fancy.
  4. BD can throw chocolate, black, red, blue, wild and almost anything in between.
  5. heh Well, I know better than to kid myself. I don't use co2 and my light is on too long and too strong so I'm bound to keep getting it. Luckily my moss grows like wild fire, so by occasionally removing the plants and adding new ones- it keeps it bearable.
  6. So I noticed something interesting lately. The tanks with hair algae in the moss seemed to have shrimp disappearing, while the ones without hair algae (spiro?) seemed to increase shrimp. All tanks treated the same way. Not sure what that means. Perhaps the hair algae is giving off a toxic chemical or taking too much O2/releasing too much CO2 at night? Regardless, a lot of moss with hair algae went bye bye now.
  7. Looks good. How can we raise money for it?
  8. :D Got your attention? :D As others may have read, I've raised Nothobranchius Guentheri Zanzibar from eggs to fry to juvie to nearly full grown and I'd like to give others a chance to breed/raise these for themselves. I've seen these go from $20 to $60+ a pair. Here's what the Nothobranchius Guentheri Zanzibar look like: red/yellow Male blue/black male (img from net) Female Pretty, huh? You can have some FREE! provided you pay for shipping. Now, here's the string that's attached.... I need you to finish out my non-scientific research. The information gained will be for all future killifish hobbyists. The fish I am offering are belly sliders. Yes, they scoot along the ground like little 1" plecos. It is my theory that their fry will be as normal as regular killie fry! However, proof needs to be provided. Conventional wisdom says that these killi belly sliders are all doomed. However, my experience says otherwise. My theory is that they are born prematurely, therefore their swimbladders don't inflate, and are otherwise normal in every other way...including breeding. The obvious difference is the breeding peat may have to be contained in a very small lip. Perhaps 1/4" to 1/2 high. I've fed them live bbs from the time the fry hatched out to adult, and that is what they are used to. I've tried non-live foods, but it hasn't worked well for me. They mature very very fast- between 5 to 10 weeks or so until adult- and very eager breeders. For more info, please check my journal http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/652-the-saga-of-n-guentheri/ They were raised in a very small 2.5g tank, so space shouldn't be an issue. Some males are blue/black, some are red/yellow. They will throw both colors in their eggs/fry, so color of males will be given at random. Please don't ask for a certain color. Also, fish will be paired as male/female according to colors displayed currently. It is possible that a "female" will display male colors later on, but I doubt it. All I ask is that you keep a journal here on Shrimp Spot on attempting to breed them and attempting to raise the fry to adults. That's all you have to do. Priority shipping is around $10, while overnight would be more. Your choice, your dime. Naturally, since this is a raok, no DOA guarantee, If you are interested in a pair to journal and further research for hobbyists, just put your name in the list below. The more people to attempt this the better as one may have success while another may not. I believe I only have 4 pairs! I will draw names Friday afternoon around 4pm. Good luck!
  9. If you are more comfortable with what you are currently doing, this is a little more firm than pvc: http://www.menards.com/main/lawn-garden/water-systems/watering-irrigation/hose-repair-mending/female-threaded-quick-connect-faucet-adapter/p-1690824-c-8659.htm
  10. Looks to be like a compression fitting to me. I've never done it, but it doesn't look any harder than attaching airline tubing to a gang valve. At least this way you don't have to keep screwing and unscrewing it everytime you want RO.
  11. Sounds like you may want something to stay on all the time rather than on/off constantly. http://www.purewaterclub.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=106&products_id=594 There's other options, too- but you may not want to play with plumbing too much.
  12. Your fish look like they would love that set up.
  13. I do moss for my shrimp. It adds a nice jungle gym floor space and more space for biofilm. There are lots of people here that do plants though, and I'm sure that you'll get an answer today.
  14. Have we discovered a way to leave feedback yet? I know we are using threads as a temporary solution, however I think many of us would really appreciate a leaving feedback function.
  15. My suggestion is to get another container and try some cherry shrimp in there. Being so young, I understand not having money for another large tank. You can get a 2.5g for around $15 and it comes with a lid. If that is too costly, you can also use see through storage containers. You'd be surprised what you can do with a little creativity. I don't think I'd trust those types of fish with shrimp, my friend. But it doesn't mean you still can't enjoy the shrimping hobby.
  16. Hello! Great to have you here! The neat thing about having people from all over the globe is we get to hear different shrimping ideas and techniques.
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/maine-lobsterman-catches-rare-blue-lobster-185313551.html
  18. I already did. She isn't berried yet though, even though I saw mating. Seems to me she should be berried by now, so I'm guesing it didn't take.
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