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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I don't have the environment at the moment to be conducive to them, however congratulations to him on selectively breeding a new var.
  2. Nice! How much are they going for?
  3. And I would have been honored to have you try them.
  4. It's become pretty common here in the US, and I think there's no ban on it from being global.
  5. mayfly larvae or midge larve can harm shrimp, however usually it is in leaves.
  6. Maybe someone else will correct me, but I don't see why not...
  7. Shrimp love grazing. The white pearl used to be Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis var. white, but was reclassified as Neo palmata. It's hard to keep up with all these reclassifications sometimes. Heck, cherries were Neo denticula, then Neo Heteropoda, and now Neo davidi. LOL
  8. LOL I hear ya. When I first started I lost several tanks of shrimp. Things got better as I learned what to do and started to understand what to look for. Neos, with few exceptions, are the easiest shrimp. But the learning curve is still there. heh Just be glad you are learning the basics with hardy shrimp like neos, and not more expensive shrimp that cost 20+ dollars each like Taiwan Bees. Oh, to add to knowledge being gained, white pearls are Neos, but not cherries. White pearls are Neocaridina palmata. Cherries are Neocaridina davidi. Kinda like a nickel is a coin, but a coin is not necessarily a nickel. I had problems with the tap where I live. So I got a cheap RO unit (some people buy ro from the store in jugs), and use remineralizer now. Took sooo much guesswork out of what was making the water problems!
  9. Anyone else have problems with paypal displaying most recent account activity? I don't have any transactions showing up, so it's impossible to mail right now with no addresses.
  10. Shrimp are more sensitive than fish, so we have some more tests we keep in out arsenal to make sure our shrimp are doing well. heh How often should I test for GH? Each water change? Less or more frequently? Should I test the tap water each time I use it? At least each season. See, tap water seems to change throughout the year. Sometimes the water dept add things in without letting us know until the water report for instance. TDS can sometimes flux wildly as another example. Does it usually stay the same? yes and no. Depends on if using well water, and other variables. Most of the time though, it can flux from time to time. TDS tap water is usually around the 106-110 ppm mark so would that loosely translate to GH? TDS related to ALL total dissolved solids in your water, so it measures lots more than just gh. Sorry for all the questions but I've only just got my head around working with TDS! It's a lot to understand. heh Took many of us years to get this far. Take your time and new knowledge will come.
  11. Some bottled drinking waters will have TDS and ph listed on the label. That's how I double checked my equipment before.
  12. Because of all the selective breeding and generations and money it took to get to the high quality dense coloration in the shrimp you see in those pics. Selective breeding is not an easy task. It's kind of like the difference between a Nissan Versa and a Lamborghini Veneno. Both are cars. It just depends what you want and if you have the money. And of course some of the money goes towards being a name brand.
  13. I can get burned from underwater heaters, but my shrimp seem to stay fine.
  14. I've prepared myself to accidentally become a mutated super hero.
  15. Think about it though. The F1 and further are almost always healthier than the P1s wild collected, due to better care and cleaner water.
  16. I think you'll really lik ethem, Subtle. I just don't have the patience for storing eggs, etc.
  17. We all are constantly learning. Welcome!
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