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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I suck taking pics. Lol Some pfr have black spots. The conventional thinking is that develops on older pfr, but I disagree. Find pfr wirh black spots and breed them is my best guess. You are working on a bell curve, so some offspring may have the black and some not. Lots of different ways to selectively breed, so I won't go into that here. I was going to do it with mine, but the black spread over the body. I'm pretty sure you have to get the modifiers lined up correctly. How long depends on many things: how quickly the modifiers line up, how prominent the black spots are, and some luck. With those variables, think 2 years minimum for 95% true if everything by some miracle goes right, to 5+ years or more if having troubles.
  2. If params are too far different, if there is a change in environment, then fems can molt while berried. Problem is, the eggs would be attached to the molt. How was she acclimated?
  3. Hmmmm...I guess I disagree to some extant. Many shrimp are imported in today's market. IMO quarantining by the importer is not only recommended, but important so as not to sell infected shrimp to the customer. Reputations are turned bad by selling sick inverts, and can wipe out total colonies. Plus, stress/water poisoning alone from the distance and time in shipping can kill a shrimp in short order after receiving. Most of the deaths/illnesses will happen or show up within two weeks of receiving an import. I agree that it is good practice to quarantine before adding to your own colony, however it is also extremely important for an importer to quarantine for a minimum of two weeks to make absolutely sure that the animals they are selling are healthy. If this is too hard for an importer to do because of money/space/afraid of losses, IMO s/he should not be importing.
  4. I'm having good results feeding some powdered foods occasionally. Today I was thinking about feeding some powdered snowflake. (Snow Flurry? heh) Has anyone tried this?
  5. Welcome! You are at the right place to learn about shrimp. In return, we'd love to learn about your crabs.
  6. I like AE. I only feed it by dipping a bamboo skewer in the water, then in the powfer, then water again.
  7. Certainly worth the gamble to see if the hulks retain their color!
  8. I see, so the name is from phenotype and not genotype.
  9. Hey folks, now that we've grown a little larger- what are some suggestions for membership perks on the Gold Silver Bronze levels that you would like to see?
  10. The eggs on the AGT seems to go from brown to clearish when the arrival date comes near. I'm going to have to remember that. Everything is new again since my main focus isn't neos anymore. Speaking of which, there are several people on here I have obtained my very nice new cards from recently. James Aquatics, Newellcr , Shrimpscales , Sbarbeee , Jynn , and also thank you Joe's Aqua ! You folks are awesome! Thanks to Mayphly who started me with my first TBs about a year ago as well! Thanks for being "family" here on the forum!
  11. I hear ya. I know AE just came out saying not to use it under substrate either.
  12. Yep. Not YKK because that's not TB, it's a cross. And blue jelly/green hulk tend to revert to KK.
  13. I've thought about it, but chickened out. I didn't know what insecticides were used.
  14. Old thread, but would be interested in the answer to cory's question too.
  15. Is blue steel a pure TB or a mix? Is this phenotype vs genetics again?
  16. I think that may be one of the most harrowing stories I've ever heard in my life! I'm glad you are with us, my friend!
  17. Sorry to hear that, dopey. There's always the frozen bottle trick.
  18. Two friends get together and decide to create a community theatre show. Things go wrong and the new cast has to get through the challenges. Heh It's a silly comedy. Heh
  19. Ever had life just throw you for a loop? No matter how well I planned this month, life laughed at me. Key actors dropped from my web series, so we have to hold auditions again, kids teeth emergencies, spontaneous meetings called after school when we have only one car, meds needed again, etc. Ugh! Just needed to vent some. Heh
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