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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. And if you do, start again. LOL When I first started I had 9 tanks of tragedies. Granted I wasn't on a forum, however the biggest thing with shrimp is hands on learning- and you only get that through tenacity.
  2. Fantastic to have you back! We all have bad things happen to our tanks once in a while. No shame there. The big thing is to take any hard knocks teachings, dust yourself off and hop right back on the shrimp again. Glad to see you accepted the bad, and are doing it again.
  3. Mayeb it's just the way you guys are writing it, but it looks as if you guys feed very often. I only feed 3 days a week.
  4. Just switched to Glasgarten, and of course snowflake.
  5. One of the only people I know with a sup system is Shrimpo. He posted on his 3 gallon rack here somewhere.
  6. Does anyone here breed their fish? What kind?
  7. i had thought about those, too. It would be interesting to see if they make a difference.
  8. +1 This has gotten me great service on days when other people are upset about inadequacies.
  9. I had a customer claim that I sent dead shrimp with no heads one time. Amazon had me refund them.
  10. Nice pics and nice write ups. Is that a french bulldog?
  11. Yeah, they don't die- but do go dormant.
  12. I actually prefer to see non-color enhanced shrimp photos. Looks great!
  13. Sorry my friend. Shrimping takes patience, and sometimes money- which you are finding out right now.
  14. Not to mention the stress of shipping on a berried fem may kill her anyway.
  15. heh Brings up bad memories, but I've worked to release most of the negative energy I had from it. I'd rather my energy be spent on helping others than holding grudges. Not that I'd invite him to a party anytime soon. LOL
  16. I went to far as to pay for my own UPC codes for my shrimp. They still didn't do anything about it. He didn't just list under my ad...he totally repeatedly REWROTE it for HIS benefit. Heck Duff, if you were to list something, someone could rewrite it and sell their stuff instead of yours. Insane, eh?
  17. I don't understand how he did it either. I thought ads were supposed to be password protected, but apparently if someone has a bigger customer feedback, they can take over your ads. Happened 3 or four times. I'd sign in and find my descriptions had changed and all of a sudden it was HIM who was selling my shrimp! I even went so far as to create another ad for certain shrimp, and he took those over as well. After calling customer service multiple times (one time they said AMAZON had to change the description back, and they did but with misspellings and I couldn't even edit), finally I just cussed a lot and said screw it. I pulled all my ads and have refused to put up another there since they couldn't stop the hijackings. I demanded to know how this could happen and they just kept repeating "seller Matrix", and he had more feedback or whatever, so he could rewrite and edit MINE. My faith in them was demolished as far as ads go. I couldn't even edit them back after he did it.
  18. I had a seller on amazon named invertobsession hijack my shrimp ads on Amazon. Dirty tactics. I called Amazon and basically was told I was screwed and there was nothing they could do because of seller matrix. I got so fed up I pulled all ads for anything I had (over 1,000). If they can't protect what I'm selling, then what good is it to list?
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