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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I believe there is a way to block individuals on ebay, but he'd probably go around it by using a fake acct. I almost always try to think of online purchases as a calculated gamble, knowing if I don't know the person, I may lose money. Doesn't make it right, but yeah. I bought some fish from someone on aquabid recently that came with some fry as well. Took time (as I'm sure the seller knew), but 3 of those fry are not those fish I ordered methinks. They are beginning to look like like black bar endlers getting their colors. Naturally I had already left positive feedback from before, and the seller through e-mail denies he did it, I'm almost posative that's what 3 of those fry are. I know the gamble though, and I also know if I ever leave negative feedback for anyone, they can retaliate. The worst I do is leave no feedback at all.
  2. YAY! You made it! I think you'll really like it here, dude.
  3. When goldens were first introduced, I think they were grade G. (This was many years ago, so I may have the grade wrong.) They were in very high demand as they were said to sparkle as if gold. Later on they began to lose value as people drifted toward white more. In other parts of the world, they have a grading system for solidness of color , not just pattern. I believe it pertains to snows as well.
  4. Although I have had a blast raising these, and the male is by far the most awesomely colorful fish I have ever had, I think I'll be selling these off to whomever wants to try their hand at breeding them and storing the eggs. They should breed very very well, and all 3 flying fems look loaded with eggs. Heck, I'd even include the bellysliders just for the tank room.
  5. I have Blue Velvet culls from earlier generations of my Sonic project I need to move out. Some are greenish, some are light, some are medium, and at least one is a BVR*, etc. I need to move out the BV cull tank, so I can use the tank to deepen my Sonic project. I have not moved moss in the tank yet, however I think I have only 1 (possibly 2) packages of 10 BV culls for 19.50 + $10 insulated priority shipping. I may have more, however until I move the moss, it's really hard to see them all. *BVR= Blue Velvet Red- splotches of red on the BV. The red usually goes away by juvie age, however in less than 1% red is retained into adulthood. Almost all lose the red by late adulthood.
  6. Musicals are big with me, but that's because I'm an actor. A couple of my favorite layman songs are How Wonderful Life Is (When You Are In The World), and Cherish.
  7. Getting experience sucks sometimes. Sorry to hear about your loss, dude.
  8. Buddha may be able to change that and make them available to us hobbyists on shrimpspot.
  9. Honestly it depends on you. Some people like to have the bubbles so high you could surf on them. I don't do it that high because I think it bothers my shrimp. How much you can tee off depends on how much air you have per sponge, how deep in the water they are located, how long the air hose is, and what levels they are on. I think you could run 4-8 double sponges from a whisper 20 easy. I went with a commercial pump after I had electrical cords all over and more than 6 pumps going. At that time I said to myself it was crazy doing it that way, and bought an Alita 60. It's currently running 60+ tanks....of course now I have air hoses all over. LOL
  10. Welcome! Good to have you here.
  11. I ran 2-4 sponges off an old 10g air pump when I used one. I have a used double nozzle whisper 100 in the market section rated for 100g. That could do it easily methinks. I also have a used whisper 20 there as well.
  12. Has all pieces. Box has been opened, but pieces inside look to be new. $10 plus shipping. API Concentrated Tap Water Conditioner 4 oz- treats 1,888 gallons. (Cap is a flip top cap, not the one pictured.) Looks full, exp 07/2017, $2 plus shipping
  13. Not everyone owns racks of shrimp, so these air pumps may be helpful to those whom own only a handful. I received these used, however when I plugged them in to test them, they seemed to do air okay. I'm thinking they should be fine for someone wanting to split and run multiple sponge filters. For example, when starting out I used to run 2-4 sponge filters from an old pump made for a 10g, and a gang valve. Tetra Whisper 20- made for 20 gallon tank. Petsmart has them for $22, so I'll do $9 plus shipping. Two Nozzle Tetra Whisper 100- made for 100 gallon tank. Petsmart has them for $47, so I'll do $15 plus shipping. PM me if interested.
  14. I can SOOOO see selectively breeding for solid blue tails as a start!
  15. We welcome all kinds of expertise here from fish to plants, even though we are mainly shrimp.
  16. HEY! OVT! Welcome dude! Let me know when you have some leaves ready to buy!
  17. Any low grades are hard to find now. They have been so selectively bred, the low grades often go for more than the high grades do.
  18. What can you tell us about their care and breeding?
  19. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that aluminum? Like this 13 port one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aluminum-1-4-PT-Air-Pneumatic-Cylinder-10-Way-13-Port-Manifold-Block-Splitter-/321294289264?pt=Pneumatic_Hydraulic_Valves_Parts&hash=item4acea1c970
  20. I'm with ya. I just got tired of continual drama over there.
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