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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Will did the hard part by making it. I'm glad you did become a member Steve.
  2. Preferably San Francisco Bay Brine Shrimp Hatchery Can buy or trade. Please pm me.
  3. Having the bellysliders, I going to have to disagree with the article as far as being doomed. They actually look very healthy and maturing nicely. They just swim along the bottom like a pleco. heh I just did a quick count in my small tank, and I think 3 of the bellysliders are maturing into males. So, while they may not "fly," it is not genetic and they just hatched as premies basically. Which means these belly sliders could still spawn.
  4. LOL One big disfunctional family.
  5. Now as far as living, I read about someone who tried purple bamboo and it killed their shrimp.
  6. http://www.planetinverts.com/shrimp_reproduction.html
  7. I think I screwed up the thread by stating I use foam for fish and not shrimp. heh
  8. If you get it, no more double shifts?
  9. I have. Use a seeded sponge filter, move over some moss with biofilm on it, and you are good to go. They will eat your prepared food while the tank biofilm is starting.
  10. LMAO I Contacted Will and suggested that he make this forum.
  11. Welcome to our new members!
  12. This is terrific! I think it speaks volumes to the respect we give each other here. Wayt to go members, and way to go Shrimpspot!
  13. I noticed it then followed a downcurve to back to where your ph was.
  14. Yeah. I was thinking perhaps his was cheaper. LOL
  15. Thanks Louie. Although the foam takes up more room, it is cheaper.
  16. can you put tomato plants directly in water without stem rotting?
  17. I only use the foam for fish. Shrimp love to climb, and can escape through the smallest of openings- especially babies.
  18. It definately helps to have contacts there already! Crossed fingers, my friend!
  19. Great write up! Easy to understand even for an easy to get lost guy like me!
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