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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I tried lexan as well. I replaced it with glass. I got tired for coming down the next day and seeing it bowed.
  2. The racing stripes. I like them to, however I think you and I are in the minority. Overseas, they actually have the striped as another var available. Ie. Neon yellow, Striped red, etc.
  3. I agree about not doing politics. That is a sure way to divide a forum.
  4. Hi Briggadane. My hobby for several years now has been to selectively breed neos. I'm no scientist and not highly educated with schooled genetics. The only things I have learned are through years of hard knocks and reading from books/internet and friends. Having said that, let me answer your questions to the bestof my ability. My answers will be in green.
  5. August 11, 2013 changed my mind about planaria. I had heard differring stories about harm with shrimp or not. It was around the previous month when out of my 30+ tanks, I got a planaria infection in- out of all tanks- my Nessie tank. I chose to ignore it thinking it was harmless. On the date mentioned though, I saw this dreaded sight: Not a dead shrimp, and not a baby, but one of my prized adult shrimp still struggling and attacked by a planaria. Then, other planaria joined the attack. Luckilly I had my camera with me at teh time to record the event for any doubting Thomases. And even then, it won't convince everyone. So for me, planaria= bad. --- This is a freshwater hydra: This is a gill fluke: They are not the same. Hydra have stingers like jellyfish and will sting the pray, and then grab it to their center mouth. They reproduce by budding, so smashing them only spreads them around your tank.
  6. Love the shrimp combo! Red for the pop, and the Malawa for the surprise factor!
  7. The only known mushroom that grows underwater that I am aware of is the Psathyrella aquatica found in Crater Lake in Oregon. Does anyone here live in Oregon, and can get us some to try?
  8. Thanks, and I'm glad you are enjoying them. The blues on teh BV may turn darker yet. Remember, this is the previous generations of my Sonics, so the genetics are there. The blues teh chocolates occasionally throw will not turn brown. They will stay blue. Some people beleive this is where the original blue carbons came from.
  9. Somwhat true. I forget which F generation it is, but the glow eventually go away in future generations.
  10. Please post your results, Shaun!
  11. "how do you catch wild craw?" Sound like a setup for a joke. LOL
  12. I know microcrabs, shrimp and snails can be kept together.
  13. Interesting that the genetics seem to incluence gender.
  14. I haven't had problems with shrimplet survivals with it, however my water is not your water.
  15. Took me over amonth to make naturally. :-/ I think it would be very interesting to see if teh green water makes these guys grow faster from fry. I don't think it will help now that they are older than fry though.
  16. Wanna hear something funny? I FINALLY have greenwater in the jar on the windowsill! LOL
  17. Some people do dose .1g for hydra. I dose less though. It takes longer- up to 3 days or so, but I figure with hydra I can be more gentle on my shrimp.
  18. I use "fish bendazole" from Ebay. My personal preference is .1g for planaria, .05g for hydra Remember to turn off your light for the first day. It degrades in light.
  19. Thanks. Ironically all the fish in teh above pictures are the same age.
  20. You are in for a long battle. To breed color from wilds is possible, obviously. However it will take years to get even cherry grades. I remember reading somewhere the originator of cherries was working on them for 7 years. Went back to find where I read that, and I have no idea- so take that with a grain of salt.
  21. Back to this post again. Been gone most of the day, and just received a call that I got a part from my last audition. Back to topic though, the reason why I asked about your light was to see if it was either too strong, or left on too long. I don't know much about lighting, however that';s what happens to me when it's one or the other- or a combination.
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