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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Very few TB breed true type, so almost any you but right now gives different color TBs.
  2. I just see these impoverished areas, and think- here's a way for them to do better for themselves. $25 for me won't pay my electric bill, but to them- it's food on the table if they could export. *sigh*
  3. Thanks for the insight, Shaun!
  4. Okay here's some pics as of today. The male is aggressive and has nipped some fin away from one of teh fem's tails, but he one of the prettiest fish I've ever seen. I only see one. Very easy to tell the difference between male and fem as you can see. I also think I've seen some eggs already laid on the bottom of the bare bottom tank. So probibly breeding already. Male views: A fem: Late maturity? Belly sliders right now:
  5. Makes me wonder if exporting laws are very hard at all from those countries though...
  6. yepper. Same with powdered foods.
  7. Nice write up, man. My reaosning for preferring to buy shrimp from where I live is simple. The shrimp are already used to the water here, and are usually hardier. Plain and simple. Heck, in theory, if I could get very hardy TB that do well in 7+ ph and up to 80F without getting bacterial infections, I'd jump on it! LOL
  8. I've been playing with that idea. Are you able to get some pics?
  9. I've never tried 5g. I tried 2.5g and never really had good luck with those. Between evaporation and param swings, I just didn't do well.
  10. You know, I was thinking- there's actually many places in the world that would be good places to raise shrimp. There's a lot of places that the average person is making ess than $5 a day. With as little space as shrimp take up, can you imagine what a difference shrimp farming would make in the life of someone? Heck, even a couple of tanks! What we take for granted here, could actually help support a family elsewhere!
  11. Excellent job on those. I may have to use those rules myself on shipping!
  12. Very cool. I didn't think we had a stable TB line in the US yet. Very good to know. Being a selective breeder, I like the X + X = same X It really is the best way to better a strain, IMO.
  13. That's exactly why you buy from a seller you trust. I'll gladly pay a little more if I know and trust the seller.
  14. What sized tank, what power light, and how long do you leave it on?
  15. you have a valid point though. I don't think research has been done on this food long term.
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