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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Absolutely a survival rate on fry. Even with neos. Different strains have different survival rates. Even of the same colors. A lot depends on background. However having said that, water params play a huge part in baby survival as well.
  2. Awesome! Although, how do you put those little bras on them? *ducks and runs*
  3. Yeah. And here's another tip. Feeding only Spinach to yellows will begin to turn them, too. But much slower than the astaxanthin will. I don't know if there's astaxanthin in Spinach or not, but there's some chemical that works similarly.
  4. Soothing Shrimp


    Do you do bullfrogs? What kind?
  5. As an added plus, you can thumbtack notes to the wall.
  6. I have purewaterclub and love it. however, my water pressure SUCKS. The lower water pressure you have, the more TDS you will have in your RO no matter what. If you have Great water pressure, you will be looking near 0 TDS.
  7. Yeah, well it works in fish to make them redder. In neos it tends to overly work by bringing out blue and then changing to brown. Not only on pigment, but tissue too. So it has a different effect. I'm told it doesn't have that effect in crs though. But if you don't believe me, it's easy to try yourself by giving your neo shrimp astaxanthin powder for a month and see what happens. I kept a journal when I did my experiment, because there was differing information on the web..
  8. I've never done that. It's more for uneven surfaces, or if you build your own shelving that may not be perfectly level.
  9. Started as green and then turned to an icky brown streaky color. Yepper, a whole year after less than a month of using astaxanthin.
  10. Market should be perhaps for members only, too?
  11. WC will definitely help eliminate the problems. Bad symptom, but easy fix.
  12. People can't import/export in the US anymore? I'm lost here.
  13. I saw the pics and thought they were huge...then find out they are 3cm long. LOL Still, it would b pretty cool for a tank.
  14. First off, welcome! 2nd, are you sure it's a fem and not a male?
  15. Sounds like unintentional poisoning to me, as well.
  16. Allicat, more so in cards than neos. Yellows are sensitive in general, unless you can find a good hardy strain. But reds have been around for a very long time, and are pretty hardy as is.
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