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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Plantdude is correct. Neos are incredibly adaptable. I've received them from gh 20+ and tds 1000+!!! I dont recommend it though. Lol My personal experience found my neos did best with gh 6-9 and tds 300ish.
  2. Neos are one of the simplest shrimp in care for. Yellows are one of the most sensitive of Neo colors. Some people's tap is perfect. Mine was a death warrant, so I had to go RO.
  3. Nice article, as usual. Just for interest- with soft water shrimp, low ph is beneficial regarding ammonia. You are correct when you say the bacteria below a certain ph stops working, however ammonia will also convert to the relatively non-toxic ammonium form. This can be removed with water changes without using products. Now having said that, I'll probably still get a board just for peace of mind. LOL
  4. Welcome to the Shrimp Spot!
  5. I read of one account where a male was added after a water change and 5 fems had berries the next day!
  6. I really like the board, too. Thinking about that as well.
  7. I may do that Jaden. Thanks for the reminder. I'm a bit paranoid now that I flipped almost all my neos for various cards.
  8. Hi folks, just a reminder that personal discussions are able to be done via pm.
  9. Thanks. I had that in my book marks and forgot about it! LOL
  10. As most of you know, my experience over the last several years has been working with neos. Now, I'm entering cards. I know what to look for with infections for neos, but cards are a different shrimp entirely. Is there anything to look for with cards besides broken antennae?
  11. Before spending money, check out this thread and see if it helps:
  12. I know some animals can. Rabbits can have two daddies for instance. Since shrimp are not fertilized internally, and teh eggs have to travel through the sperm packet- I think it would depend if there's room (or desire) for both sperm packets to be held.
  13. Keep in mind also, before the ghost got to you- it probably wasn't kept well. They were meant for feeders and are kept as such. Many people experience deaths shortly after buying.
  14. You should be fine then. Just do your 10% water change weekly for the first month until the bacteria s established.
  15. Cyclops and seed shrimp it looks like. Harmless.
  16. I see. So you are using the shrimp to help cycle your tank?
  17. MTS are said to aerate the soil so no gas builds up, too.
  18. Well, for starters- let's put something over the filter inlet so that won't happen again. heh Han sells stainless steel inlet covers so shrimp won't get sucked in, or you can use a sponge. Sometimes they just need time to adapt as well. How long has your tank been cycled?
  19. Do you know your water params? How did you acclimate him? Is there any other creature in the tank too?
  20. I borrowed this pic from Tannin, but I thought this was a golden ram?
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