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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Careful Subtle, or you and your daughter may "roll" to the store. LOL My family's weakness is pizza. Doesn't help that little ceaser's is $5 ea. :-o
  2. Has anyone tried to keep shrimp in a hardscape tank? I'm thinking of switching from moss to hardscape for my neos. I'm just not responsible enough with lighting to keep hair algae away from consuming my moss. Seems to me with biofilm/feeding, hardscape should be fine. Opinions?
  3. What shrimp do you have that eat algae? Amanos? Very few shrimp actually eat algae. They eat the food that the algae produce. Unfortunately, the eating algae for common freshwater shrimp is a myth the pet stores continue to try to propogate.
  4. Never had a problem with fenben affecting ramshorns or ponds, but it's been known to kill Nerites and Mysteries. Take out a cup of tank water and crush/mix in your .05g fenben powder. Pour in tank and turn out light for a day or so. Wait 3 days and dose again if needed. After 3 more days do a water change if needed. Pretty simple really. You can get rid of hydra faster by .1g per tenner, but I like to be a bit more cautious with my shrimp if I don't need to be so aggressive (ie. no planaria are present)
  5. Feed dishes for my neos never worked. They are messy. LOL I hear crs are not as aggressive though.
  6. I did spixis for a while. They ate some hydra, but hydra hide and they won't find them all. SInce hydra reproduce with budding too, they'll always be there unless meds are introduced. Spixis are also illegal to ship across state lines and in IL there was some talk about them being illegal period. To be on the safe side, I got rid of them. Not worth being investigated or banned from aquatics for just one species. I use .05g fenben per tenner to get rid of hydra. Takes about three days for them to ball up and disappear, but totally worth it. Never had a shrimp loss from it, but I use "fish bendazole" and not wormer for dogs.
  7. I'm guessing you vacuum the bare side. How do you avoid sucking up babies?
  8. All research starts with observations. As long as one keeps an open mind, ideas can be gained. Thanks.
  9. Very nice indeed. With neos, the fems can take awhile to color up, and pigments color more with each berry, while tissue color can wash out during berries. Not sure if it works with CRS the same way?
  10. If I had the money, you know I would! LOL Oh well. My water would prob be diff anyway.
  11. Glad you found out forum! Welcome!
  12. Triton, that is what I was going to do. My wife poo pooed the idea since I have 3 young kids under who may have decided to use it as a playset. Love the idea of easy moving and CHEAP.
  13. Absolutely true. I don't know if it is my water or what, but my shrimp are very picky eaters here, and have no problem in other tanks when I send them off. Explain that one? That's one reason I'm a firm believer in what works for one person may not work for another. While my shrimp may go crazy over something, someone else's may not even touch it. Go figure. ...unless of course it is my Malawa. They'll eat just about anything...ravishly!
  14. *Pulls up chair, and eats popcorn while watching this thread*
  15. Please update us periodically on how it works for ya. It may be a nice find for us if you have good results.
  16. The challenge is to find the sweet spot, eh?
  17. "I do believe these green or blue colour indicates defect on the outter shell, so the black doesn't show." If every one turned black, I wonder if it isn't a defect, but a delayed maturity of pigment?
  18. "It's said these are a result of Fx of TT x CRS" That is a new one to me. Always good to have new info. Thanks.
  19. We hope to make it THE forum for shrimp information, and reduce the number of secrets in our hobby.
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