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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. That's my goal. I have the foundation stock that took a long time to find (b-c grade), now am trying for f1s to start the project.
  2. Looking good, dude. IS that a chiller on the floor by your tank?
  3. You could be right as far as Bigfoot, Louie. I'd like to believe some truth in the stories of sightings though. Lots of animals were considered myths until found. For instance the platypus, mountain gorilla, komodo dragon, and giant squid were all considered to be hoaxes before they were actually discovered. Many animals were thought extinct before being rediscovered this century such as the neoglypheid crustaceans, the monoplacophoran molluscs, and, most recently, the Laotian rock rat or kha-nyou. Remember, bigfoot is often thought to be an extinct Gigantopithecus. And some animals fall between the two. Here's a short list of "myths" before being found:http://psican.org/alpha/index.php?/2008072996/Cryptozoology/A-listing-of-previously-hidden-animal-discoveries.html My favorite was mythological reports of a deer that had gills to breathe water and could walk on land. In the 1990's, cryptozoologists finally tracked the creature down. It's the Vu Quang Ox. aka Saola Does it really have gills on the side of it's face or breathe underwater? Nope. But it does have slits on the side of the face that look like gills and open and close when it breathes, which is where the myth came from. Amazing animals, still shrouded with mystery 20 years later.
  4. I felt the same way, countryboy. "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
  5. ...big teeth...big claws...big hunters...
  6. Here's the link I promised: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/06/mars-curiosity-rover-ufo-pictures_n_5538801.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 Skip the article and go down to the black area with the picture slideshow. For me it's hard to just write off the statue and rats/lizards.
  7. I'm one of the nutcases that believes in bigfoot. There's been so many animals in crytozoology that were exaggerated into myths, but were found in this century as reality, that I just can't claim that we have found all the species in the world now. Soooo many people have had experiences, and though I'm open enough to understand the idea that they could have had overactive imaginations, I WANT to believe.
  8. Gives better odds that way. LOL
  9. 2' x 2' x 3/4" costs $3.79 ea. I prefer to do it that way because I can carry them easier.
  10. I'm sorry to hear about the fire. I'm glad to hear you are back up on your feet now though, and welcome to the forum!
  11. perhaps the plants have grown large enough to take up the extra nutrients in the water?
  12. I love the double sponge filters. It would be even better if they had a weight and stand for them though. Mine occasionally pop off the glass.
  13. LOL Happens to all of us at least once.
  14. I'm sure it depends on species, but let's not forget that often there is more than one way to do something. That's why shrimpin' is so exciting.
  15. I've played with several different methods myself, but you got a better ratio of babies than I ever did. Thanks for explaining how you did it.
  16. Cannister makes sense for looping. Are you hooking up the ugf to the sponge filters?
  17. Can you get pics? How easy is it to distinguish gender?
  18. To catch everyone up, Shrimpo stated that he recently had a pink shrimplet in his tank. I've theorized for a long time that if the stripe on some cherries were to mutate to a full body, it could be revolutionary. No way to get a closer shot, Shrimpo?
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