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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Sounds good. I think it may be wise to still put a sponge filter in each area for movement and O2, no?
  2. I'm confused. I thought you had none with blue pigment? What am I missing here?
  3. Considering a tenner is 10 x 20 x 12, the dimensions would be pretty much spot on. Have you figured out what to use for dividers?
  4. Probably not. He may sell out here since it is homemade and fresh, but since it is plant based we have to get all sorts of export permits to ship this stuff out of country.
  5. you could just use sand or inert substrate considering that the water params are coming from your tank (if you have a flow through.)
  6. I would get the gh kit for sure. You don't necessarily need it on a regular basis, but when trouble shooting it is one more tool to add to your arsenal. Liquid is preferable over stick for sure. I'm wondering if it was bacterial. Inside the body, do you see any cloudiness/opaqueness? Do you see broken antennae?
  7. Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a cool experiment!!!!
  8. Sbarbee shared the info with me, as well. He received the info direct from the breeder. He's incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to shrimp, so I value his input.
  9. Not a bad idea Jayr. I know some people paint them so water beads as well. I know particle board and hardbaord expands and goes bad when wet. I haven't seen any problems with osb when wet. I suppose it is possible. Since mine is sitting on wire grating, I have it to give a flat surface and extra strength. I will say that the occasional "splinter" will come up, but nothing that is on a regular basis. I considered ply, but the cost was 2x-3x the price of OSB.
  10. I don't think james meant prl, rather was it from a cbs/cbs.
  11. That's why we really have to make an effort to make this forum caring and friendly. Non-flaming or judgmental here. Different from the others, and open for information.
  12. From my very limited experience, I have found large tanks are a trade off. Large tanks provide a much larger volume of water to have stability in parameters. If anything goes wrong, you can fix it before ti cause a lot of harm. Also, water changes can be much fewer. However for me, it also meant much slower breeding. I *think* that is because the shrimp have a problem finding who molted in such a vast area. In fact, I just tore down a 20g neo tank to put them back in a 10g, because breeding slowed down to about a 1/4 of what it was for as few shrimp I had in there. --- I wonder if you could have the best of all worlds? Sure, you could use a sump, however by using a divider with water flow- you keep the param stability, while containing the area for better breeding?
  13. Has anyone turned out the lights and then after an hour or so, turned them on to see if there is a difference between the clear tissue red coloring and the blue tissue red coloring?
  14. A possibility, however if temp is roughly teh same it shouldn't trigger unless gh or tds is drastically changed as well. Have you noticed them becoming opaque/white in their tissue?
  15. Thanks, dude. You didn't have to do that, but thanks. It just took me by surprise that the forum changed that much.
  16. It's getting a little hostile over there, too. I just gave some advice about how to use fenben and the next post said what I wrote was "not true." er...yeah...
  17. Bee pollen is fantastic stuff for shrimp.
  18. I've seen people who want to make ti look good for a show tank use painters tape on either side of the seam, apply the silicone, and then peel the tape.
  19. Not really siding either way, rather playing devil's advocate. Bare bottom would add more area for biofilm and algae.
  20. +1 I love the idea of similar projects and sharing info. Kudos to the thought!
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