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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I bought the Cobalt Aquatics E-X-T aquarium canister filter. It allows water to still flow in a loop after disconnecting and does away with those stupid leaking O rings. AND- in theory- it would allow daisy chaining for more media. I haven't used it yet, because I bought it for a TB tank I'm slowly getting parts for.
  2. Welcome! Just wanted to clear up any confusion. Cherry shrimp do not eat algae. They eat the food algae produces. So you'll never get rid of algae by using cherry shrimp. Amanos, when younger, will eat hair algae, but not touch powder or algae on the glass. As they get older, they become more scavenger. Best tool for those types of algae are ramshorns or nerites. Ramshorns will breed, Nerites won't- but will leave white sesame seeds in your tank.
  3. I've worked graveyard on a couple different jobs. What sucks is to do shopping, you have to miss sleep. It's lonely because you sleep when everyone else is up. Days off NEVER feel like days off.
  4. Well, first time berry- she dropped them. She'll be ready next time though.
  5. One of the new breather bags was leaking today. So, not perfect. LOL
  6. http://ebilei.blogspot.com/2012/08/crystal-white-shrimp.html
  7. Biofilm is clear, so you won't see it. If you feel on the inside of your glass, it'll feel slippery. That's biofilm.
  8. They all arrived alive and well with no problems. Thanks greenteam!
  9. If it is a virus, meds can help mask symptoms, but as far as I know- viruses have to run their course.
  10. As long as you can get it down ya early enough. It wil help most if you can do it before 100% sick. You feel it, or first symptoms appear. But it will help the sickness go away faster if you are full blown, too. I use about half the water they say to add because otherwise to me, it tastes watered down. PLus, It goes down faster.
  11. That's an easy answer. As much coverage as you can get! LOL I'll get some pics up later today.
  12. For gerneral stuff, Airborne is the first thing I reach for. I thought it was all hype until I tried it. It works well for me. Zinc, and vit C are also good.
  13. I use sponge filters and that's it. My plants are out of control. They grow fast...such as moss...and hair algae!
  14. I was speaking from research. This is the first 5 crs I've had to start with for the super red breeding project, and man was it hard to source these! I can try to get some pics of these i you'd like, but I think you thought I was some generations down the line.
  15. Their usual size is that large, so I'm guessing still soft.
  16. Maroon like, I'm guessing. But if no blue tissue, the the red should really POP.
  17. I'm still getting used to them though. I actually enjoy the feel of the Kordons better.
  18. Even more challenging is if you find a low grade with not so good black and breed it with a higher grade to increase density of black, often it just results in a higher grade. :-/
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