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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Perhaps it has to do with stress- like for blue bees.
  2. So tissue is blue and pigment is red?
  3. I haven't lost any live stock in them yet, so that's a plus.
  4. I would think the same thing- or at least increase chances of a white/red pinto since you wouldn't have the blue genes so close in background.
  5. It's amazing the touch of color just stones can add.
  6. Thanks. I used flash in the pics, so they are a bit duller in person- but I'm not a techie pic kinda guy. heh
  7. Show us too, after they color up.
  8. Actually, I have considered auto top off. And that may be the answer.
  9. Time and age do not = size. Too many variables. This reference is for neos: Shrimplets are usually babies. Peewees are around 1/4" or so juvies are larger than 1/4" and go up to just entering the stage of getting ready to breed young adult is breeding age- see saddles Adult is developed well and largest.
  10. They really have. The cullings were incredibly painful for me. heh But as you can see, the result was worth it.
  11. Yeah. The challenge with evaporation is the params change constantly. Chiller would be the way to go, but for the price I could buy a full room air conditioner.
  12. Thanks Wicca. buddha, I sell off previous generations to continue working with the current ones. If I don't sell them, I don't have money for equipment and shrimp food, etc. My whole world comes crashing down because it is too expensive to maintain. It's a delicate balance. The bv selling now are not Sonics, however I have to move those to get to the sonic generation being sold. The Sonics are doing great! I have some now that are almost as dark as my Sapphires! Crazy, huh?!?
  13. You will have a wide selection of shrimp from here to choose from. And in my opinion, a healthier and more cared for selection of shrimp than just from buying from someone not in the hobby part of it.
  14. Welcome. Yeah, selective breeding is a passion of mine. I have some solid chocolates to sell if/when you are ready to start your colony. Feel free to talk about yoru projects or ??? regarding selective breeding in the Genetics and Selective Breeding area. Lots of us have ideas on how to do things.
  15. Have a thrift store by ya? Books are cheap there.
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