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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Jake's ca+. As said though, my shrimp are unusually picky. The cray went right for it, and crays can be very picky as well. Each person will have different reactions from their colonies. Someone else's colony (like yours) may jump at it. Maybe it was too hard? Like I said- they are picky guys. I'm trying Glasgarten next, and seeing if they go for that...
  2. No idea. Maybe nothing except a medium blue, maybe wilds, maybe radioactive blue. LOL Either way, that's something I'd like to avoid for no other reason than keeping my strains separate.
  3. Which is all the more reason for us to be welcoming, friendly and non-judgmental here. I think all of us have an idea of what the "ideal" friendly forum is. Since this forum is so new, now is the time to put that face and effort forward and help each other and newbies as well. Secrets will kill this hobby in the US. But by sharing and being open, it only contributes to the well being of shrimpers.
  4. have you tried sectioning off an area? Like making a divider from poret foam? That way you still have the water stability, however they don't have as far to look when the female molts?
  5. NICE! How big is your tank?
  6. I'll take you up on the samples. Thanks. My shrimp seem to be a little picky, so samples are great to find out if they will eat them.
  7. How expensive are these, and can I get a sample of either to see if it will work? I have more than one rack of shrimp tanks, so it has to be cost effective as well.
  8. I've had one or two like that. Usually it's due to a bad molt. After another molt, they were fine again.
  9. I LOVE the reverse image of the two tanks side by side!
  10. +1 Lots of reviews about their products/service. Going off what they say, they only stay in business by finding new "suckers" to buy from them.
  11. Temperature and change in TDS/gh will induce molting. Doesn't matter much on percent of water changes if temp is very different. Differring water of 10-20% will do it.
  12. He's the reason I quit selling on Amazon. He kept hijacking my ads, changing the descriptions, and selling under my name and photos. Dirty tactics. So, yeah. Not buying anything from him. Interested in other suggestions though- besides Kens.
  13. That was the hardest challenge I had. CRS/CBS have been bred for high grades for so long, finding low grades is very hard.
  14. You should. I'd love to follow your journal! I'd like to do that too.
  15. This is P1. I was sent them as a juvie- somewhere between b and c. The berries will be the f1 baby generation, and thus begins my breeding program with these.
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