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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. How did you acclimate them, Fred?
  2. Beautiful box. The challenge I have is people still have the attitude they want the shipping to be as cheap as possible. I charge $10 shipping for a 7x7x6 insulated priority box and can go into the red on that sometimes, too. It's a delicate balance between insulation, and the customer buying.
  3. I have never been smart in my life. heh I've gotten by on being creative.
  4. LOL Well sorta. http://www.aol.com/article/2014/07/11/hundreds-of-fish-fall-from-the-sky-in-utah/20929402/?icid=maing-grid7|main5|dl6|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D500395 And we're concerned with acclimation? LOL
  5. Thanks. The camera picks up the new color better than my eyes do. Hard to photograph such tiny swimming fish.
  6. Just curious, do any of those come with certificates?
  7. Day 25, if my adding is correct. Doing well. The largest of the four is around 5/8" (~1.5cm) The smallest in the first tank is still under 1/4" (~.5cm) The largest is just beginning to get a very small tinge of color
  8. Sounds feasible. I've never seen anyone do that.
  9. What a great challenge to have! I think this goes to show what a great job WIll is doing!
  10. See? This is where things get muddy. A genetic sequencer would sure be nice to figure out what "colors" are redundant, and which ones are unique.
  11. Yepper. After drying they will be brittle, so if you are doing this for yourself- tupperware is a good saver.
  12. PRL can run into the hundreds of dollars (and much more) for one shrimp, so what are you willing to pay pricewise for a single prl? Price often determines opaqueness of white and brand name.
  13. Let me know via pm if you are interested, Hungle.
  14. I know it's a lot to ask, but ask if each var breeds true.
  15. Are blue wizards a type of blue carbons?
  16. I've used fresh and dried. The shrimp go for both with equal relish. The challenge with fresh is in a plastic bag they tend to mold fast. Dried won't.
  17. All brown/grey crays right now need to go, so I can focus on other animals. I just got in a trio of white crays that I'm keeping for the moment.
  18. Berries left in molt. You'll see it every once in a while. Sometimes means a swing of params happened. Often with a water change.
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