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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. That's pretty cool. I also like this because it looks easy enough to make at home:
  2. What kind of Goby Cichlids? Welcome!
  3. heh Your avatar looks quite a bit like ya.
  4. Glad you told me that. I just got 3 baby white crays. I have them in a bare tenner with sponge filter. I'll keep an eye out for climbers.
  5. yeah, as long as you don't feed too much of it. spinach has astaxanthin in it. Just vary their diet and they'll be fine.
  6. Will, would you be up to adding "crays and other inverts" in the auction categories, as well as "other"?
  7. So due to the fact of food playing such a big role in my current crays, I'm moving them out. I like 'em, but I'm a selective breeder and need colors! LOL I'm open to just about any trade, so they are in the market section here. Some people bought some from me this year and last year for aquaponics, which I thought was kinda cool.
  8. Offer title: crays Offer Submitter: Soothing Shrimp Offer Submitted: 17 Jul 2014 Offer Category: Shrimp I've decided to move in a different direction than these crays, so they have to move out. So, I have self cloning crays (~1" to adults) and cajun crays with shufeldti (group package since I can't tell 'em apart right now in the same tank.) Open to almost any trade, so let me know. Click here to show this offer
  9. What types of plants are in that vid?
  10. LOL Lots of people do. I'm the odd man out.
  11. Do you clean the bottom at all with this set-up?
  12. yeah Triton...I hate the brown tannins look.
  13. Any foods can be fed except astaxanthin. I also found spirulina tends to dull colors in my neos, but will not change their color.
  14. I know when I looked to own some as pets years ago, it was very clear they were illegal.
  15. I'm expanding, but not just with shrimp- with fish, too. Lots of people like bare bottom fish tanks due to easy maintenance and cleaner water. I was wondering about shrimp tanks doing the same thing, but honestly- I can't figure out how to do that with a shrimp tank as the teeny babies would get sucked up through vacuuming.
  16. Keep in mind, the larger the body of water- the more stable the parameters. The smaller the water size, the more you'll have to watch to make sure params are okay.
  17. Yeah, modifiers play a larger role in shrimping, to be sure.
  18. yeah, the fry are pretty nice. The head is the tough part. Sometimes teh head is covered, sometimes not. The tail sometimes have streaks of yellow, sometimes not.
  19. Yellows are typically much more sensitive to params than the others.
  20. BEAUTIFUL selective breeding you have done!
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