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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. As said, I lost hundreds of dollars worth because they were too sensitive when I tried them. Hopefully this was just a freak isolated incident.
  2. Some have tried to get me to export out of the country- which I won't do at this time. Nothing like getting overseas people anxious to get US shrimp. LOL Maybe I *should* start a list....I'd want no deposit, though, in case something unforeseen happens. What's everybody's thoughts on this? Fair? Unfair?
  3. If the eggs are small and in rows, that usually refers to larvae low order.
  4. Oblong may be right, but I personally wouldn't be so sure. Indian shrimp are macros and eat meat as well as plants. I think the safe bet may be to remove the fem and place her in a holding tank with the same water params so she doesn't molt. Or a safer route is to remove the others to another holding container.
  5. I'm sure some drinkers make up for the social and non-drinkers, too. heh
  6. Your daughter? Nah. Just leave her in the room, too. *ducks and runs*
  7. I meant your club. No meetings in person out there yet?
  8. This is getting even more weird. The auction page says $1, and the preview on the forum page on the right side says $100
  9. You can buy cheap capsule machines too, for like $20. Makes life easier than having to do everything by hand,
  10. My Petsmart would not give me a rain check on their most recent sale.
  11. Such variety in one species. Nice.
  12. Glad you are enjoying the thread. Hopefully it is inspiring you as well! Well, to be honest, I do cull some in that tank- but only the absolute worst that show very little green at all. Almost 100% of the culls are males. Do I find they revert back to the lowest form? Not really. Let me use this analogy: Someone has a red cherry shrimp colony. Avg poor quality, but likes his colony very much. He wants to bump up his color a bit on his shrimp though, so he buys some pfr and places them in to breed with his colony. The colony is not going to turn pfr. however the "color" added will help the colony bump up to sakura- and if lucky a couple fire reds. When he has enough of the higher quality, he can separate them and work from there. Now take the analogy above, and apply it to my Nessies, and you see what I'm doing. heh This color of Nessie is stable. After a zillion years, they are throwing 99.9% green. It is the grade of color that is unstable now. So knowing that, why not just put the highest grades together? Painteds do not necessarily equal painteds. Also, if I were to take all the painteds (probably less than 10 in total), and place them together- a tragedy may wipe them all out. In this colony breeding, not only am I slowly creating more painteds, but increasing general color and all the while the gene pool is still wide enough to keep vigor. Plus, if anyone decides on owning Nessies next August, the genes and modifiers allow random PAINTED Nessies to still pop up. You are correct though, that very soon- I'll have enough to separate a few out and concentrate on grades. My absolute favorite is the Fire Nessie. See right through the green shell and through the body. Looks very stained glass window. However, I know many people like the thicker concentration of color. Painted Nessies -you cannot see through the color. The Painted Nessies are so dark they look blackish unless under high light or flash. Some people prefer that though. *shrugs* Different likes for different people. Sakuras can be Fire Sakura or Painted Sakura. So here is what I have found so far: The Golden Nessie- the body is orangish/gold while green hood or stripes are on the shell. A two colored shrimp. I think a line of Golden Hooded Nessies would look cool, but others would have to work on that. heh Cherry Nessies Sakura Fire Nessie Fire Nessie Sakura Painted Nessie Painted Nessie As much as I would love to devote all my effort to Nessies and grades, I think it would be very unfair (and selfish) in the shrimping world to keep this new var for myself. So despite how many I have, I'll be releasing a very limited number Aug 2015. Hobbyists can either leave them to breed randomly for a variety of qualities in their tanks, or selectively breed them for the quality they desire. --- You know what's funny though? It doesn't matter how many years working on this strain, how many generations it has taken to breed them true, how many dollars put into developing them, how much blood and sweat put into them, and how many tears with trials-set backs- and tragedies with them. When offered, people will still write and flame that they are too expensive for neos. heh As I tell people who want to get into selective breeding, this is the thankless part of the hobby. You will work for years and spend money on a project that may not work out. You will be accused of lying, and your final product will be "counterfeited." YOU will be forgotten while your product may live on, the name changed, or be lost due to fad or fashion. In the end, you have only your reflection to turn to and ask- Is it worth it? Am I proud of what I have done? Am I honest? And the only way you will find the strength to continue what you love to do is if you can look yourself in your reflection's eye and say, "Yes!"
  13. This has been done for years though. Look at some other forms of shrimp that have been bred so much without concern for hardiness that their immune system is shot. I agree with Puddles though, the drive to put out shrimp before breeding true is just aggravating to say the least.
  14. yer welcome. Building off Sbarbee's idea, that's all.
  15. Of course over half the fun of keeping something is to discuss it with others.
  16. I don't think it has an age limit. It appeals to all ages.
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