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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Thanks. I checked it out, and found this comment helpful: "I'm going to estimate the light output to be about 400 lumens. I base this claim by comparing this lamp, which I installed in my tool trailer, to the Phillips 10.5 watt (60 watt equivalent) A19 (regular base) LED light bulbs that I bought from Home Depot and also installed in my trailer. The Phillips LED bulb claims to put out 800 lumens, and this light from Amazon appears to put out about HALF as much light. At $11 each, the Phillips LED bulbs are a very good value (I bought 8 of them, for a start) whereas this generic non-branded LED fixture is a "decent" value. The main benefit of this LED fixture is the compact size. The main drawback is the fact that the wiring isn't complete... you need to either mount the fixture in an electrical box or install a 3-prong power cord (my approach) to connect the fixture to an outlet. " I also thought this was interesting: http://www.amazon.com/Remote-Control-Waterproof-Flood-Different/dp/B005KYOE2Q/ref=pd_sim_hi_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=147ZF1FXMTVRB2T4QYH3
  2. To me the big thing is reputation. People like buying from people they trust. I know I will gladly pay a little extra to someone that I know I have done good business with before. A majority of times, they are members who care about their stock and products.
  3. Great write up, Spialz! Welcome! So glad to have you here!
  4. I bought a large bottle of low molecular weight Chitosan awhile back to help with molting, but my results are inconclusive. The difference between Chitosan and Chitan is that Chitosan is water soluble. If anybody wants a nickle baggie to try and give results on, just pay shipping for a first class envelope. PLease note- this is for research only. I guarantee nothing. Your shrimp may turn purple, die or dance the Watoosie. You do this under your own risk.
  5. I got lost immediately. LOL
  6. Well that knocks the theory that snows only come from cbs out of the water.
  7. They have inline TDS meters you can add to your RO system without buying a new one, if desired.
  8. So far I've not had any DOA from them. I have learned to tie a knot in them now, so that's a plus, too. I've just learned over the years that too many additional things added leads more probability to things going wrong. While I may have to band fish bags, I don't want to do it with shrimp if I don't have to. If you decide to get them, feel free to post in this thread your opinions on them.
  9. Nice job. Aren't they hard to photograph?
  10. That's weird! I wonder if soil can be magnetically charged?
  11. CRS x Leopard in theory would make almost instant duplicate pintos.
  12. I have heard of crystals being in ph that high before. Heck I did it myself for an experiment one year. Someone shipped me a crs, and I put it in my neo tank that was 7.5+. It survived for about 3 months and then died. I think Wicca had better luck keeping crs in ph that high before for extended amounts of time. I haven't seen many breeders try other than us though.
  13. I think I've seen Chaeto algae being used in Upae aquariums, too.
  14. I think that yellow line is a saddled female with a clear line between her head and thorax.
  15. Snails can have tums for calcium. Anybody know if shrimp can do the same?
  16. It's the only food my CRS will even touch. LOL My neos like it too, but will eat other foods as well. I like to leave it in there all the time for them to graze on. In addition, my crays feed off it as well!
  17. The fry will take bbs or decap fine. The juvies/adults can take that and broken up flakes. They ignore what will not fit in their mouths. At least mine do.
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