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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Doesn't have to be. Here's a great way to do it with a 10g tank and water jug. http://www.ventralfins.com/diy_kreisel.html
  2. We have some importers here, but the fees would be too much methinks.
  3. Well, you can still do that. You would just be buying eggs, hatching, raising and selling. Nothing wrong with that. Keep in mind supposedly 1:5 hatch/make it to adulthood. So you would have to adjust your price for that, housing, and food. Supposedly in 5 weeks they are Mature enough to breed, but have a lifespan of around 6 months to 1 year. Some people are fine with that, others are not. They are kinda like shrimp, the higher the temp, the faster/shorter their lifespan.
  4. You can try it your way and see what happens- or - you may want to consider a tank instead of tub, and just introduce the peat in a container in their empty tank when ready to breed.
  5. You can do that, but the eggs have to be collected immediately or they'll be eaten.
  6. Um....well... breeding them in a tub will be hard to do. You see the real pretty ones on the left? Those are annuals. Which means you have to collect the eggs on moist peat moss and store them in a container for a couple months before adding them to water to rehydrate them again to hatch. And if they some don't hatch the first try, then store for another couple weeks and try again, etc. Now the clown killie on the right is NOT an annual and is a mop spawner, so the eggs are fine left in the water. Once they lay eggs, 2 weeks later, you should have fry.
  7. yepper. There are some freshwater low order as well, but very few. The time as larvae varies from 2 days on up.
  8. Nice thing (or bad thing) about jellyfish tanks, is that the less decor you have for them the better. In fact empty is great. They are so fragile that they can rip on a just about anything...at least that's what I was told.
  9. Does it break apart easily? It could be diatoms.
  10. countryboy, whenever you want to do a raok, feel free dude. Doesn't have to be a big one. Everyone likes raoks and games. Subtle, I think that a raok from each sponsor in their own section encourages people to visit that sponsor's area. A bit of publicity never hurts as a sponsor.
  11. Just found out yesterday that some "lava rock" sold by stores is actually expanded shale. The process is to wet it and cook it, and it pops like popcorn.
  12. Oh, still no colors showing yet at day 17. Looks like the grey color has been coming in though on the fish in the 2nd tank. The 4 fish in the 2nd tank have far surpassed the ones in the first tank. The ones in the 2nd tank are around 1/2" now.
  13. SO now I can fins most of them by looking for orange spots on the ground. That's the bbs showing through the tummy. I added a ramshorn in each tank now to help with clean up, and it looks like it is going pretty well.
  14. Jellyfish sales are still alive and well: http://www.pbnjellies.com/collections/buy-live-jellyfish http://www.moonjellyfish.com/ http://jellyfishart.com/
  15. Never seen it. Or maybe I have. I know I've seen some huge pitchers!
  16. They are relatively new. Within the last 3 years I'd say.
  17. Look up crushed lava rock. It's used for bonsai. Also, no kidding- some people just smash the bajeebers out of grill lava rocks from the hardware store, and use that.
  18. Or you may have them evolve the other way like annual killies, where the eggs would be stored until rehydration later.
  19. Taylor, what are you going to school to study?
  20. How easy is this stuff to carve? Like Styrofoam?
  21. Some reasons someone may want to buy "culls." 1) Not everyone is concerned with prize winning specimens. Some just want the "type" of shrimp. Kind of like the difference between casual guppy keepers and show guppy breeders. 2) Some just want cheap. 3) One also may have very nice quality strain to cull to get even better quality. There's lots of different reasons for culling, and lots of different reasons for buying culls.
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