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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I'm guessing leech. Great write up on your artificial hatching success!
  2. I have to make a schedule for my show episode shoot on Sat, and take my daughter to her 3+ hour gymnastics practice later as usual.
  3. I wouldn't necessarily call it stupid, rather it's a myth that has been around since as long as I remember- and there's more efficient ways of cooling. Where would our hobby be without brainstorms?
  4. The problem lay with thermodynamics. To chill the water, you have to remove the heat. Where does the heat go? Into the insulated fridge, which traps heat, but it is still trying to cool the coil, which releases more heat... well, you get the idea. Additionally, it causes the compressor to run continuously for cooling, which shortens the life of the compressor and raises electric bills. They really are not made to handle temperature swings, but instead are insulated to keep the inside of the fridge cold with an occasional small heat load. That's why it may take 24 hours or so just to make your case of beer/pop cold. The removal of heat per hour is called BTU. A dorm fridge may remove 100- 800 BTU on average, and air conditioners may remove 5000+ BTU. Evaporation is roughly 8000+ BTU per gallon making that the most efficient. I may check out DIY auto top offs. Now, after having said all that, I have thought about just placing a whole tank in a glass door fridge.
  5. Looks sulawesi, but it couldn't be.
  6. A 2nd AGT berried up today! Good to know I have a "back up" in case one drops.
  7. Maybe? Does anyone know where I can find information on bee bamboo shrimp?
  8. Unless fan feeders, usually the bigger the are, the bigger the claws.
  9. I've been asked how to place feedback for a seller or buyer, and thought it may be a help to share with others here, too. To Leave Feedback Go to our main page and look at the browse tab under the Shrimp Spot banner. Then click on "feedback" where the red arrow shows. To Check Feedback In addition, you are able to check on feedback left from others by clicking on the seller's member avatar, and clicking on the feedback tab from their profile page.
  10. Really it is a matter of opinions many times, and what your shrimp will eat. For my neos I preferred organic without astaxanthin. For my cards, anything goes. LOL Actually a very freeing feeling.
  11. Look at macros. There's a whole sibsection of people who keep those. You would be one of the first to selectively breed them.
  12. Thanks. Snowflake and omnia pro. Lately I've been using double speed too.
  13. Dluxe, I thought that at first, too- but many seem to have a rili pattern.
  14. Beautiful shrimp. They look like another strain though. Blue velvets don't have pigment blotches on the shell. Blue carbons do, and perhaps blue dreams...
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