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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I think it may have to do with h202 as well. Try with some culls and hair algae if you'd like. Them's nothin' to lose.
  2. When my wife has IPMS, she gets grumpy.
  3. My camera work sucks, but good luck to everyone who decides to enter- and thanks for the heads up Duff!
  4. Sounds good. I don't know if it is propaganda or real facts though. You going to buy a bottle and report your results?
  5. Thanks for following along and fixing stuff , metageologist.
  6. I'll have to live vicariously through you on new tanks for awhile. heh But the tile is looking nice.
  7. I know people have suggested sending things back, but realistically- there's no way I could ever ask that of a customer. Buy, little stress, and no problems is what I want as a buyer. I even read once of someone who was shipping in styro containers and asked the customer to mail these back.
  8. The challenge is that there is always uneaten particles of food in the water.
  9. Sulawesi to knowledge so far will not breed with neos.
  10. Probably some type of Enchytraeus. Harmless.
  11. I can see if you are using the shrimp for cleaners and don't really care too much on focusing on the shrimp profile in the tank. They do a good job. If you are focusing on a shrimp tank though, yeah- fish may not be the best idea.
  12. Can we add a search to our personal pm's?
  13. You betcha. We're all here for each other.
  14. Sugar, when added to water, creates an environment for bacteria to grow.
  15. Definitely an idea. I may use that yet. In the meantime, I have a pound or so of brine shrimp eggs, so I may as well continue hatching them since they are a sure thing right now. The village sprays for mosquitos, and although they definitely don't get everything (!) I don't think I've ever seen a mozzie larvae to ID it. LOL
  16. I'm guessing maybe it's not a mature worm yet...Don't know what kind.
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