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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Nice. Seems like this really is the holy grail of shipping supplies if they work as claimed.
  2. I wrap mine in newspaper. With breather bags even when double bagging, it is recommended to wrap something around the first inner one to allow breathing.
  3. *crosses arms and pouts* I wanna pee green...... *sticks out bottom lip*
  4. wow! Wish I didn't have brown water thumbs
  5. I haven't tried chlorella, so I don't know about that one.
  6. Boy terrariums are nice. And yours is quite lovely!
  7. I'd love to see a shot of teh whole tank.
  8. I've kept neos up to 8ish, but not past.
  9. Not sure either, but I figure since they are born in puddles with animal droppings and who knows what, this is actually cleaner than what they would be living in their life cycle in the jungle. Since they tend to rest on the bottom 90+% of the time right now, I'm afraid the snails may just eat them. I may put some in the new tank though since they are bigger.
  10. My yellows finally gained their color back after about a year when I fed them astax as an experiment. They turned from yellow to greenish blue to an ugly streaky brown. Spiro tends to dull the colors for some reason.
  11. I imagine shipping would kill me on that since it would be so heavy, no?
  12. I think that's from flash (?) that really makes it pop. Makes even the most minute details come forward. Speedie does some fantastic photos!
  13. I have some starter plants Han sent me as a RAOK. I'll have to get some miracle grow tomorrow and set it up. I'm going to use plastic containers inside since I hadn't siliconed the bottom before the plants arrived. I found out yesterday that many of the plastic containers don't have measurements on them, so I'll have to take a tape measure with me tomorrow. BTW WELCOME! I was hoping you'd show up!
  14. I'm sure you'll do much better than I. heh Here's a shot of tank #1 with the smaller ones still. See the fungus, etc? In a normal tank I would clean all that up, but these guys are so small it may actually be of some benefit to them for micro organisms. (?) Anyway, many more are still around than I thought would be. I've been changing about half the water every 2-3 days.
  15. From the album: misc

  16. OKay, but not much to see, and it's really hard for me to take pics this small. These are about 2-3x the size they were. These are the guys in the new tank because they are growing so fast. This gives a good idea of current size of the biggest at 12 days old. That hose is an airline hose. These next two are by the silicone in the 2.5g tank. The color you see is actually BBS in the stomach.
  17. Yepper. Saw that right before I bought the eggs.
  18. OKay, transferred them over. Actually transferred 4 over. They were all hanging under the surface together. I read that teh males get bigger first, however that was from one source and I wasn't able to find another to corroborate it.
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