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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Made the decision to fill another 2.5g and move over the three larger fish, so the very small ones still stand a chance. The 2.5g is currently filling. I have to make the TDS the same-ish and then I'll transfer as long as the temp is the same, too.
  2. That's what he said. It's a Toyota, so it may still have a chance. I'll know for sure next week what happened. Not going to stress until I have to.
  3. You may want to try this person for freshwater phytoplankton, Nick. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Live-Freshwater-Nannochloropsis-Phytoplankton-Nutritional-Supplement-/321280460751?pt=US_Dietary_Supplements_Nutrition&var=&hash=item4acdcec7cf
  4. I'm sure this person could shed more light on the foods and proper environment for this prawn as well as what the low order eat: http://www.water.ca.gov/bdma/staff/brown.cfm I tried opening her powerpoint, but I guess I don't have the right software installed.
  5. Looks low order to me. Usually low order has smaller eggs and more of them in laid out rows like that. Better get some phytoplankton ready.
  6. yeah. We'll find out what's going on with it after the weekend. The tow truck driver suggested it may have been the timing belt.
  7. Take your time with the valves. They leak if done too fast.
  8. And kinda relaxing if you have a little time to kill. Although filled with exciting plots like will he miss that spot or not? The nail-biting ensued!
  9. Thank you for listening to the members here for ways to make the site even better Oblong.
  10. Yeah. I've used the ubber expensive pens and the cheapies and they are all about the same for me. Now I just buy the cheapie pens. If I were to go expensive, I would buy a nice palmsized digital unit
  11. We went and saw the fireworks with their grandmother. (MIL) Had a nice time. Then on the way back our car broke down and we had to call for a tow truck. So no more tanks right now.
  12. Male and female image: Here is breeding info: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/108082-breeding-nerite-snails/#entry2254077
  13. Somewhere I have a thread about a guy who did it for his local pet store. I'll try to locate it this weekend.
  14. I was thinking about those myself. I'll be interested in your project! Keep me informed! Maybe it's a breeding project we can work together on.
  15. That's what I do. Mine are steel and hold 6 tenners each shelf. 6' long, 6' tall, 24" wide. I use 3 shelves. I use 3/4" OSB on top of the wire shelves for extra durability. Each shelf has a crossbeam to reduce torquing. I get them from Menards. You can also piece together what you need if desired. Each endcap, each shelf, wire grate, etc.
  16. Most of us use the Nerite for freshwater tanks. While they will lay eggs in freshwater, either they will not hatch or won't survive for long. They need saltwater.
  17. And we in turn could learn lots more from you! Welcome!!!
  18. I tried the more "advanced" shrimp (which to me just means more sensitive. LOL) I stopped very shortly afterwards and returned to neos. All the stuff I had to do with the others just didn't make it fun anymore. Fast forward some years later, and I'm trying again.
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