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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. On desktop it goes to the marketplace auction.
  2. I think the only concern I've heard is bacteria growing in the SS water. I've thought about doing the same thing myself, so good to know it works. What kind of bottle are you using?
  3. Nothing comes through on the forum thread (pic or description) Going to check out the market tab...
  4. Blue Velvets 3.95 ea. Chocolates 2.95 ea Splotched Blue Carbons $4.50 ea --- I have the following I'm willing to trade for shrimp or fish or ??? (No plant trades please atm.) Self Cloning Marmorkrebs: Babies to midsized adults. Great for aquaponics or producing food for fish. Moss: Looks like Christmas/Taiwan/Peacock type. Little to no algae, but comes with ramshorns. --- For shrimp, shipping is a flat $10 and covers insulated priority box, and breather bags. Continental US please. I will try Alaska for any actual increased mail cost, but DOA does not apply- so your risk. For trades we each pay our own shipping.
  5. anyway...... Has anyone has experience with the phase 22's?
  6. You wore me out just looking at the stuff you did, dude!
  7. About 2mm and shell flat against the glass? Yeah, those are mini ramshorns. If yu want I'll look up the scientific name for ya. They don't get any bigger than that really. The Ramshorns on the other hand have the stand up shell and come in purdy colors. They usually don't exceed an 1"
  8. So set up a stuffed dog and use this: http://www.eaprotection.com/secure-dog.aspx
  9. Congrats on your TB breeding so well for ya!
  10. LOL You'd think with 200 members we'd have more than this for a RAOK open to all, now. LOL
  11. LOL I love trying new things to eat, and it makes perfect sense to allow predation on animals we have introduced and have run amuck.
  12. Let me add some important stuff. 23g 2014 Bee Pollen for baby shrimp 1 250mg packet of fenben for hydra or planaria 1 2oz bottle of Jungle Natural Colors powder for instant tannins that won't amber your water (good for infections) ...some moss w/ramshorns If you have fish, I'll add: 1 vial of Brine Shrimp Eggs 1 vial of decap Brine Shrimp Eggs non-hatching ...and free shipping to the continental US.
  13. You are going to think I'm crazy, but iguanas are supposed actually have a very nice taste. The texture is supposed to be a lot like steak or crab, but bite sized. A bit expensive over the internet, but Puerto Rico has a taste for it because it was easy to get: http://buyexoticmeats.com/iguanameat.html. Recipe: http://www.food.com/recipe/iguana-451478
  14. All guppy grass gone. Still have more moss that needs to move.
  15. I'm enjoying doing brine shrimp. LOL I didn't think I would.
  16. I started this project hatching on June 23. Supposed to reach full maturity in 5 weeks, and color up within two- three. 10 days old today.
  17. A couple pics from yesterday that even managed to come out kinda okay. Extremely hard for me to get any of them to come out in pics.:
  18. From the album: misc

  19. From the album: misc

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