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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Sounds good. I know many websites say 20g, but a lot of people would recommend huge tanks for any fish. Wouldn't surprise me if I were able to find someone recommending a 55g for an endler male. heh How many adults did you have in the 10?
  2. I'll ask. Don't know if they have the same connections anymore or not. Those chocolates (schoko) were imported years ago.
  3. I may try that next time, Shrimpo. --- Some fry are now almost as big as newborn guppies, while others are still small. No doubt some may get eaten as the others grow larger. Selection of the fittest, I'm sure. Some breeders just dump the fry in green water after hatching. Each water change the water gets lighter. I wanted to see the fry grow, so I didn't do this. BUT makes sense for a hands off approach.
  4. heehee Found it: http://www.regenesis.com/contaminated-site-remediation-products/enhanced-aerobic-bioremediation/orc/ By-Products"Milk of magnesia" or Mg(OH)2 a common antacid formula
  5. Here's the thunderbolt your AB guy sells too. Here's a direct quote as well: "This is a proprietary breed that results from crossing two members of the Cherax classification."
  6. To be honest, I've built racks and they have sagged some. I'm not the best at woodworking. I'd now rather pay the $150-200 for a steel rack that I have piece of mind with, than make my own.
  7. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aquarium-Chillers-Cooling-Fan-4-fans-160L-Fish-Tank-Power-adapter-12V-/110993764655?pt=Heaters_and_Chillers&hash=item19d7be712f
  8. I've been doing research over the net for the last couple days trying to find information on this snail. I think Planorbis corneus/rubrum may be the same thing. It looks to me that corneus is possibly the old name and rubrum is a rename. Like Neo heteropoda/davidii
  9. Tuepfel x crystal = pseudo TiB Tiger x crystal = TiB The first one to distinguish between TIB since it is a separate species than Tiger. I made up that term, but it makes sense to me and everyone that I talked it over with has agreed and used it to help identify shrimp between hobbyists to limit confusion. How long until colors are available in the states? As long as it takes an importer to find and bring them in. Most are in Europe, however most importers import from Asian countries.
  10. Thank for thinking how to improve the forum! This idea has been brought up before, and maybe when we have a larger member base we can do this. Two thoughts were expressed however- 1) Some species may not have as many posts as another and thus make that section "look" not as active as the other sections. and 2) Many people like to read about/be introduced to new care and species they may not have learned about otherwise. At least that is the current underlying thought...but in the future- who knows?
  11. Thanks. I've watched it over a dozen times now. Mesmerizing to watch.
  12. I know some people have generators or battery powered air pumps. I guess I've just taken the risk of everything being okay in an outage.
  13. Is there any fish that can live as a pair and breed in a 10g tank that will also eat medium to full grown guppies? Tall order, I know. LOL
  14. I thought I'd take the time and show what beautiful shrimp Tuepfel are. Through the courtesy of Google, I'm able to bring you examples of some of the different varieties that have been bred by folks in Europe. From the wild Tuepfel We have the Tangerine Tiger that most shrimpers are aware of in America However, did you know there are also Yellow Tuepfel? How about Red Tuepfel? Aura Blue Tuepfel anyone? Even an Apple Green Tuepfel Importers have not brought these into America now for years. Perhaps it is time again to explore them?
  15. From the album: misc

  16. From the album: misc

  17. From the album: misc

  18. From the album: misc

  19. I sent an e-mail to see if they could tell me species.
  20. Not ruling it out, but looks kinda funny to be a neo. The aura I'm thinking of is the blue form of TT. Kinda like the red form was selectively bred (red tuepfel,) http://www.vitoriareef.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12207 so was the blue form. http://garnalenenkreeftenforum.nl/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14610 But I've not seen these offered in the states for years due to their sensitivity. If this is the Aura (blue TT), I'd jump on those in a heart beat!
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