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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I'm doing everything wrong, because I'm learning and lazy. lol When they hatched I transferred them to a 2.5 with seeded sponge filter on its side. and half water filled. I have substrate and java moss. I also have fungus from feeding bbs. I transferred some rotifers from the shrimp tank over, too. Some breeders just put teh fry in green water and walk away for a week. I wanted to see any growth.
  2. I know the pic you are talking about. I think the breeder puts the 3 different colors in a tank (blue, red, white) and sells what pops out. Looks to me to be a red x blue.
  3. I'm thinking it has to be different. I've never had any ramshorn grow that big.
  4. The one in our aquariums are Planorbis rubrum. Are these just another name for Planorbis corneus?
  5. You answered it yourself. Most people don't do large shrimp in the US. And this is a big prawn with the long arms/claws.
  6. Never heard of ramshorns being 2". If they get that large, are you sure it isn't Marisa cornuarietis? That's going to make it hard to sell, as those are illegal to cross state lines.
  7. We could just do a personal topic section for sponsors like another site does.
  8. I've been talking with Will, and we have an idea... For now, since this forum is starting, what do you think about having a sponsor's section... ...only instead of paying money to be in that section, the requirement would be that a product has to be given away each month to members here in terms of a RAOK?
  9. That would be appreciated. Thank you.
  10. On the upside I suppose, some people say they have problems with things sticking inside of Kordons and not polys. So this may be a good thing for them.
  11. I did tie a know, but I went through 3 pieces of newspaper sheets because the plastic kept sweating- or I didn't wipe it off well enough. I don't like that I can't get the knot as tight, or roll it down. But lots of people use rubber bands, so I may have to learn to do that with these. It quite literally feels like poly.
  12. So I got my Ultimate breather bags in yesterday. They are a little larger than Kordons, and printed in green ink. It's true the bags do not have side seams, and the bottom looks heat sealed. Very well, I may add. The feel of them is different as well. The Kordons feel rubbery and have some stretch to them when tying a knot. These feel more like poly. No rubber feel, no stretch. So *could* be a different manufacture altogether. Still is supposed to be O2 in and CO2 out, though. People who like poly better would definitely like the feel of these bags. I'm doing a trade with Shrimpo this week and testing the bag, so we'll see how they hold up for the aquatics.
  13. Thanks. I guess I'd better add Sonic Shrimp to the list.
  14. Your chants have been heard. LOL Sonic Shrimp it is.
  15. Regardless, I'm super duper interested in this. I've had theories for awhile that "Blizzard" crystals exist (SSS+.) Not just snow whites. I think I've seen 1(!) pic of a possible "Blizzard." And that went for thousands of dollars, but admittedly it was pretty darn solid.
  16. Offer title: trade moss/guppy grass for shrimp Offer Submitter: Soothing Shrimp Offer Submitted: 01 Jul 2014 Offer Category: Aquatic Plants Anyone interested in trading? I have moss and guppy grass available in exchange for shrimp. Moss comes from Fish tanks and have little to no algae. They do have ramshorns though. Regardless, you may want to dip or whatever you do. I *think* I have java and also either Christmas, Peacock or Taiwan. All the triangle shapes run together for me- and they have been grown in different lighting. Naja may have Malawa Shrimp tag alongs, although unlikely- it is still a possibility. Click here to show this offer
  17. We do have an active community here. I think that's what's nice about this place. Most of us believe that as shrimpers we have to encourage one another, instead of discourage. THAT's what I really like about here. Whether one is a beginner or professional, all are welcome. Another thing I like is that I fully believe secrets in shrimping will KILL this hobby in the US if it keeps up. Lots of tips have been shared very freely here, and will be big helps as we continue to unravel shrimping mysteries..
  18. Doesn't conventional wisdom say that snows are only thrown from CBS though?
  19. My dad did electric trollies. He cam from Penn, so same idea. Pika, I bet you do some awesome work with soaps!
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