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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. trick question without you realizing it. If it was simple dominant it wouldn't pop up because your entire colony would be recessive for clear. HOWEVER, having said that- I can only speak from Neo experience since that is what I've concentrated on selectively breeding- color is MUCH harder to breed out, than breed IN. IN other words, if you choose to try your hand at selectively breeding these, you should have a much "easier" time making the color pop up. Even if co-dominant and it takes over color attributes, you are still going to have a good go at this. The first step is to breed more of these. 2nd step is to breed for color intensity. If in the f2 you have a non-lethal homozygous expression, your color should be able to breed true and intensity improved rather rapidly with good selection!
  2. Don't know. Don't think I'll be raising fleas. LOL Actually, I don't know. Now they may be, but not when firstborn. They are big enough to eat baby rotifiers, I'm sure. Which leads me to really want to try this shrimp tank raising. And if any survive my bumbling fry raising, I may try again with a special shrimp tank set up just for them.
  3. I know DKShrimporium was breeding papaya crystal shrimp for awhile. You may want to write her for pictures, and see if it looks like yours....and ask if you can show her pictures to our forum as well.
  4. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Did it have roe or milt?
  5. I had on e of the original Sinclair's My dad bought it for the family and we thought we were hot stuff. heh 8K of memory that could be boosted up to 32K with an add on pack. Storage was an audio cassette tape. Games were pretty much limited to X's and O's. Then my dad got smart and bought an Atari. It had Tennis! But wait- there's more. It also had hockey, ping pong, squash, and doubles. Yeah, it was tennis with longer or shorter paddles. Man, have we come far! I STILL want a virtual game though. Put on my goggles or helmet and feel like part of the world!
  6. Greenteam, did they truly breed or was it a female on female? Do you know? In Leopard Geckos, we used to call the female genders who tried to mate with females, "hot fems." The higher temperature incubated at was believed to be the cause.
  7. You may want to show a pic to explain what you are talking about to others. BTW, pseudo TiB is what subtle and I have been referring to as TT x Crystal
  8. Illegal to catch them and resell them on kingsnake.com?
  9. Not much to report. Most fry are eating BBS now, which is nice. Haven't done a wc in a couple days. I'm sure Nit. is building up in there, so will have to do one soon. I have to say I'm sure this experience will be rewarding, but all this work with fry as big as a comma, has put me off from using this fish to selectively breed. My plan is to go to guppies to selectively breed- but still want to see this project through to completion. At some point I may try again, and just put the fry into a shrimp tank and see if I could do hands off. I still think that may work.
  10. 100 - 5.5 x 8 Kordon Breather Bags 40.99 100 - 7 X 10 Ultimate® Breather Bags FREE SHIP 22.50 If anyone buys from him, let him know Soothing Shrimp sent ya.
  11. We have a mall here that has been ruled that if someone pays for knocking it down, they can have the land for free. heh I'd love ot see the bottom floor turned into a getto aquarium!
  12. So general consensus would be stick to small bags. Thanks folks!
  13. Yeah, Kordon won't sell to the public anymore either. MVP has them on AB.
  14. Usually I do a little tidbit about a link, but I think the headline pretty much says it all: Abandoned mall in Bangkok has been overtaken by fish http://www.theverge.com/2014/6/30/5856856/abandoned-mall-in-bangkok-has-been-overtaken-by-fish
  15. No? How about a Japanese Spider Crab then? At a leg span of only 12 feet, you can easily fit that in your room.
  16. You know you want a coconut crab! Video: http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_14041377652058&key=d703ff3b064566223b367f0bc53757ee&libId=4c8d2e67-c1a0-4c70-ba5d-10d38aed50fd&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.plantedtank.net%2Fforums%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D300602&v=1&out=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2F4DZ0VEjJZs4&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fr.search.yahoo.com%2F_ylt%3DA0LEVyDZcLFTlRUAtb9XNyoA%3B_ylu%3DX3oDMTEzdTBnNHVkBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQ3NF8x%2FRV%3D2%2FRE%3D1404166490%2FRO%3D10%2FRU%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.plantedtank.net%252fforums%252fshowthread.php%253ft%253d300602%2FRK%3D0%2FRS%3DBbPRMMjMSQcOZBff45qq8UFdiro-&title=Post%20your%20crabs!&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2F4DZ0VEjJZs4
  17. I was super excited about Plants vs Zombies 2, since I LOVE the first one. Then it came out...what a let down.
  18. Hope they do better for ya than they did with me when they first came out.
  19. That's awesome Louie. Someday I'll step out of community theatre and do something pro- besides indie films. But I've been saying that for 40 years now. heh
  20. Hey! You made it! Great to have you here!
  21. You could probably raise your aquatics right out the back door, too!
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