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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. From the album: misc

  2. Offer title: Marmorkrebs- trade for ? Offer Submitter: Soothing Shrimp Offer Submitted: 29 Jun 2014 Offer Category: Shrimp Self Cloning Marmorkrebs for trade. What do you have for trade? Fish? Shrimp? Pm me. Click here to show this offer
  3. I know that there are supposed to have no seams on the sides. Only the bottom
  4. Welcome here! Always great to have more members in the hobby.
  5. Super Blue Velvets? Blue Moon Shrimp? Blue Blood Shrimp? Suggestions? Don't know how i would feel having my name with them, and having people counterfeit them like they did with DBV. I know it will happen again though...
  6. Seems the major difference between these and my Sapphires is that the Sapphires occasionally throw pseudo carbon rili pigmentation which I'm trying to eliminate. My darker BVs have never displayed that grouping of pigment as spots. Just an even coverage. Sapphires came from a mutation in another line, and these came from...well...BVs.
  7. Some pics of some of the better in the current generation. I apologize for the quality of pics. Side Shot ...and a juvie Twosome- that's a rotifier btw, not a berry close up from behind
  8. Wow! How long did that take to make? Y'all know about my selective breeding hobby. I'm also a stay at home dad, and VP/cofounder of a live theatre. I'm also an actor. I used to dabble on the piano by writing my own songs, but since I got married ten years ago, we don't have a piano here- so haven't had a chance to do that. Those three hobbies (breeding, dad, theatre) take up so much time, I don't have time for anything else! LOL
  9. Interesting. So the scallop on one segment is double wide? ON neos I always went by Nike swoop vs curve. On cards it looks as if this may be the better ID?
  10. See? And I thought they needed high humidity.
  11. I don't know he answer to that one subtle. I know that goldens can have orange tissue.
  12. Here's a tip I learned Chris, Place your bag in a bowl. (I use a dvd holder cover) Cut under the knot about 3/4 through the bag. Then use your scissors to cut down the side of the bag. Then cut down the other side of the bag if you need to. This turns the bag into a "flap" and you can dip the whole bag up to the knot and pull straight up. Nothing will be stuck to it in this way.
  13. Well, seems my selectively bred Blue Velvets have turned the corner. Not sure if that's good or bad. One has previously been able to tell the difference between blue rili strains and blue velvet strains by the babies looking like red rilis for BV, then the red fades away leaving a blue body usually by juvie age, whereas the blue rili is born blue. Both look almost identical, but have different genetics- even though both came from red rilis originally. Since they look so much alike, some sellers even sell them as they same. *sigh* I have been selectively breeding my BV for darker color for...um...3 yrs...4 yrs? I forget with so many projects going on. A lot of time, money and space has been spent on these since they were my first project I attempted when I first turned to aquatics. Anyway, the current generation is so dark that red rili babies are no longer being produced! I know for a fact that I have not added any new blood for 3 or 4 yrs, and they were pure when I bought them imported- so no blue rilis have been introduced and this is a pure BV line! What should I do? Should I rename this strain I've improved on? Kinda like cherry shrimp were renamed sakura, then fire, then painted, then...well, you get the idea. I mean, I have some this generation almost as dark as my Sapphires! Do I still call them BV, although the original BV were clear sky blue color? A couple years ago I came out with the term DBV and that was quickly stolen and counterfeited for people pawning off theirs as mine. I'd rather not use the term DBV anymore. Opinions? I want to have a uniform color before I release them, but some are crazy dark now! I'll try to get a couple pics tomorrow.
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