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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Everything is going swimmingly. heh See what I did there? Anyway, I've got the hang of the hatching BBS, although I'm hatching too many and have to cut back since even all my var of fish can't eat 1 teaspoon's worth. Maybe try 1/4 teaspoon. Here's my recipe for hatching the BBS 1 to 1 1/2 liters RO water 2 tablespoons marine salt dash of baking soda Fry are a little larger- not large enough for my camera yet which is a bit frustrating, but nothing really to see anyway. Color is non-existant yet.
  2. Crushed coral you can buy at the LFS as substrate. No idea about marco.
  3. ah man. She didn't know. Do you encase them for humidity?
  4. More like compact it so it is not so spread out over the tank. Many serious shrimp breeders do not vacuum their tanks much because microspikes may happen to harm shrimp. The snails compact what is leftover from the shrimp and also eat uneaten food, so there is less clean up. Infusoria is created from snail waste as well, and when these die off with their short life span it adds food for shrimp. The snail trails (slime) is also a natural food for baby shrimp for increased survival, although some adults will snack on it too.
  5. Yeah, I've though of that- and it seem like the obvious answer, but with 40+ tanks and adding, I'm always doing something in my tanks all day long.
  6. Yeah, it gets real confusing real fast when people have projects with the same name. I'll add pics later (On the freeze-up computer right now) Nessie (only green cherry of it's kind in the world, as far as I know!) Sunshine (my project for intensely colored painted yellows) Inkwell (solid black cherry) Cellophane (clear cherry) Zombie (orange rili with blue tissue)
  7. Congrats on getting it to flower!
  8. Drawing from nature and sustaining with laws is fine to me, but to destroy it just for profit without conserving is crazy.
  9. Can you explain a bit more about tail segments = fem?
  10. I hate to go the hanging light route though. May tanks need covers for various reasons, and I'd have to buy glass tops when I already have econ covers. I have considered that, but 40+ tanks to cover is just too much moola right now.
  11. If you get some and manage to breed them, I'll buy some from ya. I'm not dealing with that place again.
  12. http://www.petshrimp.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=12
  13. Vermiculite even packaged for plants. Unfortunately, they did not go into specific places it has come from. So really, there's no telling which is okay and which isn't.
  14. Just a heads up that some vermiculite contains small yet dangerous quantities of asbestos. The EPA issued a warning here not that long ago...yet again.
  15. My 9w daylight cfl are equiv to 40w, so I need something less.
  16. I bought a bunch a while back, but they all died in transit to me. The seller put them in a styro cooler (it was winter) and taped a heat pack to the OUTSIDE of the cooler!?! Didn't make sense to me, but I got my refund without any hassle.
  17. yeah, but the equivalent is 60w incan I'm guessing? See I need less than 40w incan equiv.
  18. She wound up with a cold last night. She in pre-training for competition teams, so she had to go do her stuff- but man, was she worn out afterwards. Anyway, I'll let everyone know when the bags come in, and what I think of them...
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