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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. LOL Aiin't that the truth. Listen to EKliu on that one. heh Otherwise you'll be chipping out the powder.
  2. Some people are using a pinch of purigen in the bags now, as a precautionary measure.
  3. Great post. Shrimping is the same way. It is only through trial and error that learning how to breed certain shrimp and conditions to keep them in has been explored and improved.
  4. LOL I love the science guys! You lost me waaaay back, but I love the sharing! Keep it up.
  5. LOL Better watch it. You'll wind up in my world and have tank projects everywhere!
  6. It could be a wild colored cherry.
  7. Remove mystery snails and nerites before dosing or they may wind up dead.
  8. For cost with lots of tanks/water volume, SS gh+ may be your best bet.
  9. Chocolates have come a pretty good way now for breeding true. Snowballs would breed pretty true. Yellows do well. Blue Velvets too
  10. Doesn't the 7x7x6 box cost the same (without insulation) as a padded envelope would if sent priority?
  11. I'm curious how you know your tank is cycled if you don't have any test kits? .
  12. Thanks guys. She's very happy to have her forum friends cheering for her! I get worn out just watching her practice in class!
  13. *shrugs* Or just sacrifice shrimp in the name of science.
  14. Not sure which strain your blue dreams are from. A member here just bought blue dream from two seperate sources. When she put them together, the offspring were wilds. Too many people calling neos names they've heard, just because they may look like a color. I'd definately do a test breeding before mixing all.
  15. Avon, please use the private message system for personal conversations.
  16. That's good. Same way with large water changes?
  17. With that article, you've summed up our forum.
  18. There's different types of trumpets. Some have the brown markings on beige shell, some are plain beige, some are dark brown, etc. I think MTS may just be a catch all name. (?)
  19. Dluxe, I haven't seen any problem with bioload, but like any snails- they can breed out of control with the right amount of foods.
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