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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. "...hair and not clado algae?" Not sure at all. Looks stringy and overtakes the moss and expands in to the tank if I let it go too far. No moss balls. "By the way, >40W means "greater than 40W" which confused me at first." Well crud. Sorry about that. The alligator eats the bigger and the point points to the smaller number, right? Ie. 5 > 4 I always get confused when there's a single number. I maybe should have written it like this? < 5 Either way, I need "less than 40 watt" daylight equivalent florescent bulb.
  2. LOL I would, but I have to take my daughter to gymnastics tomorrow morn.
  3. LOL The Assassin Snails was a made up article to see how far it would go. http://www.aquariacentral.com/forums/showthread.php?191531-Assassin-Snails-Are-Killers&p=1943227&viewfull=1#post1943227
  4. I think patent law only works for 10 yrs (?) in this case, so now since that is up, companies can do "generic"- just like pills. Basically Kordon's are just vegetable bags you'd find at the food market, but thicker.
  5. "In this day and age, where the ocean faces a crisis ... there's absolutely no justification for a fishery for hobby," said Mike Long of the U.S.-based Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which is spearheading the campaign. Yeah. That's the same terrorists who have decide to throw acid onto ships and ram whaling boats trying to injure or kill fishermen. Anyway, interesting article on how they are now trying to stop any wild fish selling and using any means possible to harass collectors- even though the areas collected from have had a population increase since laws went into effect. http://news.yahoo.com/hawaii-center-battle-over-aquarium-fish-051055234.html
  6. When I get them I'll probably take one, throw some shrimp in and check it 2-3 days later.
  7. Raw is fine. Make sure it's organic , and give a little rinse before placing it in. You have to change the tank water very often when feeding the fresh veggies, or you'll have green water soon. Not a bad thing if you need green water for anything though.
  8. Well, I bit the bullet and bought the Ultimate bags. I guess I'll know within the next month or two how they do. I looked up the microns and Kordon is 1.5, and Ultimate is 1.5 as well- so I have a feeling they are the same thang for half the price.
  9. Filtration makes a huge difference. Betta flakes will smell after being left in water. Have you tried spinach? Makes snails grow faster and adds to calcium intake, too.
  10. I'm not that into plants. I just figured maybe since I had a 10g to use right now, the occasional plant could offset a shrimping bill..
  11. What do you feed, what type of snails and how are you doing filtration? I used to breed mystery snails and I had a huge HOB hooked up to a double sponge filter. 2x-3x a week I had to clean the sponges because the would "hourglass" because of clogging. I also had to keep clean bottom tanks and vacuum them every other day. Great colors of snails, but lots of work.
  12. Yeah. They're new. Much cheaper. I heard that Kordon's patent has expired this year, so now other companies are free to compete with the product.
  13. I have previously tried to stay in the range of 10 shrimp per 5.5 x 8 bag when shipping out shrimp. This has often resulted in several bags being used when shipping out 20 or more shrimp. However now that I have to buy more bags... ...is it better to have one large breather bag for multiple shrimp, or several smaller breather bags? Opinions?
  14. I wouldn't worry about it personally. Large volumes of water are going to hold ambient temperatures pretty darn well.
  15. Any suggestions on fast growing stems?
  16. Does anyone know how Ultimate Breather Bags stack up against Kordon? I'm out and have to order more, but would like some opinions on which direction to go.
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