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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Thanks guys. I can't do the airline because the fry are very tiny, and would be sucked up too. I *can* however do the green water.
  2. So apparently I need to learn how to feed better. I just added a teaspoon of newly hatch brine shrimp to the tank with the new fry and it's WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too much. Out of necessity I'm filling the rest of the tank up with water to dilute any bad decay that will inevitably happen. *sigh*
  3. My buddy used one of those and said it is really easy to chip the edges of the glass. (?)
  4. Which brings up a couple questions of mine. #1 Say you have a snow white thrown in your Tb tank. How can you be sure it isn't an unusual TB? #2 How can you tell the difference between snow white and SSSS+ selectively bred CBS?
  5. Well, I bought 40 eggs... 55 hatched out that I found thus far!!! Not the seller's fault if I don't rear these successfully! LOL What is that...a hundred and something percent? Yeah, I may be buying from this guy again! Going to net some rotifiers from the shrimp tanks later. Tried to get a picture of these buggers, but did you ever try to get a picture of a tiny splinter in a two year old's finger? Yeah. It's like that. Smaller than staples. Hopefully out of 55, I can get 3 to survive.
  6. I have a jar of about a pound of them here. I had them from before and I've been occasionally using them for my guppies/leasts.
  7. I think he was offering a name for ya.
  8. It probably would be a better option...but to be honest, I suck at keeping cultures alive. I may have to go that route though. I did buy some rotifiers to culture. I'm also going to try to nab some from my shrimp tanks. I also had thought about setting up a shrimp tank just for new fry to eat until they get bigger. Those icky teeny bugs in the tank would make really good feed for them.
  9. Just moved 21 small fry over. They are so tiny, one can fit in a drop of water. So an eyedropper was no problem. You have to have very very good eyes for this apparently. I'll check tomorrow to see if any more hatched out. He packaged them up in February. There has to be an easier way, but I'm still figuring out the basics.
  10. The first ones hatched in ~20 minutes.
  11. Just got my fish eggs in today. So naturally, chomping on the bit, I had to get things underway. I *did* take some pics, but you'll have to wait until I can get to the good computer to upload them. Started the brine shrimp first. Bought one of those hockey puck things to screw a 2 liter into for doing the brine shrimp. It's bubblin' now. Made a water of SS gh/kh about 200TDS , and used a CD stack cover to put the eggs/substrate/water into. I have to be honest with ya. I poured out the teeny bag of substrate and saw no eggs. I was asking myself if this guy ripped me off or not, but I kept comforting myself that he had good reviews from AB One of the highest for eggs in fact. I had to reassure myself pretty constantly. Then I noticed through the side of the container (thank God for clear sides), some tiny clear beads- about the size of a pin point. They swelled up some over the next half hour and I saw movement. Little teeny tiny movement. On closer examination, baby fry were moving on the inside of two eggs! I went to the store to buy eye droppers for transport to another tank, but I wondered if teh eye dropper was too small. I have a turkey baster of course, but I bought the eye droppers anyway. When I cam back I have seen flashes of at least three fish hatched out. These guys are FAST! Have no idea yet how to suck them up without them zooming away, but I've not tried yet. I have to say, everyone said they were small, but I mean these guys are SMALL! How small? About the size of an eyelash. Yep. THAT small! Gonna give until morning perhaps before any transfers. I'm thinking about slowly lowering the whole CD cover into my 2.5g tank and then with drawing it later, but still unsure...
  12. Why, in your opinion, is that horrible?
  13. Yeah, he wants to put out 4 books, but we'll see how he does. with finally getting out 1.
  14. Click on your name in the above right corner. Then in the drop down, click on "Follow." I think that may help?
  15. Good stuff to know. Thanks Subtle.
  16. Some not even named as of yet.
  17. Beautiful Speedie! BTW The most recent findings I have been able to read is that by crossing BB with KK you will increase the blue depth.
  18. That's why it's important to drip acclimate any new shrimp to your tank params.
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