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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Jeeeesh. I'm such a wimp, a 90 yr old granny would run me over with her walker. heh Glad you made it out in one piece, my friend!
  2. MUCH easier! AND there's a relist button.
  3. Ah! The "Father" of modern killifish!
  4. It would make sense if the golden gene is co-dependent somehow. Either through a type of shell pigment albinism or dilution.
  5. I'm not sure they are different species though chib.
  6. "The output of a 25 watt OttLite bulb is roughly equivalent to that of a 100 watt incandescent bulb." Nope. I'm already using a 40w equivalent and it is too much for how long I leave it on all day.
  7. How tall are you, me darlin'? Awesome you are in that kind of shape, Taylor. I fully understand you need it for your job of being a good guy though.
  8. I'm also interested in your recipe.
  9. Okefenokee Pygmy Sunfish above But can't find breeding info on them. Unfortunately, the males only turn black during breeding. The fems stay a tannish.
  10. Thank you for sharing that mops are possible with these guys. Everything I've read said to use a breeder box with moss attached to the bottom.
  11. Definitely some good ideas there Lunar.
  12. My understanding is that they are bottom moss spawners.
  13. I like what you did there. I'm wondering of babies can get in though. You may have to sponge the holes instead of netting.
  14. Looks good! So the UP is the soda top part?
  15. UGH Ceiling sheet. That'll kill ya. You have more stamina than me, my friend!
  16. Sweet! Perhaps show us a DIY in the DIY section for anyone interested in trying this?
  17. I'm interested in living vicariously through you for a while, my friend. At some point, I'd like to try breeding these. I'm not set up for it atm though. I'm guessing that the different colors may be from different areas, and similar enough to breed together. I've not found out much about differences in care between colors though.
  18. Cool. I'll watch that soon. I just bought 1 lb of Omega One Freshwater in the meantime.
  19. What's the best flake food for fish?
  20. You know...come to think of it, I've never seen any in mine either. Maybe since they are used to living in warmer water, they have a different immune system?
  21. As unlikely as that sounds, that may have indeed been the scenario. Forced breeding without meaning to.
  22. My personal faves would be the annuals. They have some of the most bright and vivid colors. Don't know if I'll have any luck raising them, but I want to try.
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