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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Off topic, but kind of like the ringed python. (Not my pics) As babies they are a knockout! As adults, pretty but in a different way:
  2. Looks brown to me. I have chocolates for a lot less. LOL
  3. +1 Which may explain eating the most.
  4. Always great to hear from another shrimper! Welcome!
  5. The rarer it is, the more expensive. It doesn't necessarily go by beauty.
  6. Olive hands down. I don't even own them, and yet this is the accepted theory.
  7. yeah. It was nice too. Had a male/female that was forwarded to me from wicca. Unfortunately, no shrimplets before they "expired."
  8. The pearls are looking good! Keep at it, my friend.
  9. Indeed I have. The types of egg hatching depends on the type of killie. Annuals need the drying out period, and some can go as long as 6 months. Other types of killes are live bearers, and still others are as simple as spawning mops and hatching. The babies are so small that almost any fish will eat then, so they have to be grown separately. Still doing my homework on them.
  10. Very cool. Yeah, can't even try that here in the US.
  11. I suppose in a pinch you could always use an ottobox for your phone, or an underwater camera case.
  12. "...US as import law is utterly strict." That's an understatement. BUT better than Hawaii here in the continental.
  13. Ramshorns/pond snails will be fine, but yeah- Nerites will dies, and possibly mysteries.
  14. Good thing you only have one woman. It's hard enough to keep only ONE happy!
  15. I love people who are free enough to have fun with their tank!
  16. At first I thought you posted that first paragraph double. Then I realized you meant me to read it by using one paragraph for each eye.
  17. I'll send you a couple pellets and you can try them out. Send me your mailing addy via pm.\
  18. The tracking thang gets me. I agree about 95% of the time it's good. It's the 5% that makes a guy like me in the ministry think twice about my words. heh
  19. Everybody loves a good water change. heh Those critters mean you have a healthy environment!
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