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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Are those REBD?
  2. I only have Malawa. They've been extremely adaptable. They outbreed my cherries even. EDIT: My bad. Those are not paracards, but Caridina pareparensis parvidentata. You can see where I momentarily became confused. heh
  3. Anyone have any suggestions for pellet food for neos that won't "enhance" their color?
  4. *shrugs* I've had paracards do fine in neo conditions.
  5. We're growing fast, however I really think it's nice. Karma abounds.
  6. Ohhhhhhhhh man....... don't tempt me!!!!!!!!! You know I LOVE to selectively breed!
  7. I'll contribute something. Don't know what yet, but I'm in. If everyone joined it would be one big swap. LOL
  8. The two major things I test for is gh and TDS. After I set up a tank, I either will do a weekly/monthly wc, or only change when TDS is too high. Otherwise I top off with pure RO. I have an rough guide as to what TDS contains the proper amount of gh that I am looking for since I use SS and Ro. So I take that into account when I do wc. I have the other tests to troubleshoot if something goes wrong.
  9. Depends how crazy you want it to be. I was at the LPS yesterday and saw a nice resin turtle shell that would be great as a cave in a tank.
  10. A lot smaller than I pictured. So, a 20T would do for a paired off couple?
  11. What size is that airline? Looks HUGE
  12. I've been looking for the Mustang for awhile now with no luck.
  13. Camouflage Tiger Zwerggarnele Paracaridina sp. "Mustang Shrimp" Blue Bee Princess Bee Super Princess Bee Hong Kong Larry
  14. The only food I've found for my CRS thus far is snowflake.
  15. Sounds like the way I'd do it. But, I don't breed discus.
  16. I would love other kinds besides Malawa, but alas- even though the article says it isn't hard to source, I don't know where to get any others.
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