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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Heck yeah. I have them in almost every tank to help with mulm.
  2. I have a bunch of Malaysian Trumpet Snails for trade. (I'll replace google image tomorrow if absolutely needed, but they look like this.) Get these to turn your soil so there's no gas pockets, and less detritus. They are most active in the dark. Hit me up in pm on your trade offers. I'm looking for Subwassertang (round pellia) and shrimp. (No neos, please. Ugh, that hurts. LOL)
  3. Worth a shot, nuri? I'd love for you to start a journal so we could follow your progress. Same with Dluxe and Poke. We can follow all y'all!
  4. LOL I'm sure it will pop back up again. I stole it from fb anyway. LOL
  5. Scott, perhaps a RAOK may help get noticed and potentially some additional customers for you?
  6. Dluxe, I think it's worth a shot. I haven't seen anyone selectively breeding for that. Poke, I thought about going that direction many times myself. The thing that stopped me was I have yet to see any true painted yellows to breed for white shell pigmentation.
  7. It won't make anyone famous. heh Names get lost in history as another thread I've started shows. All you could hope is a shrimp phenotype lives on.
  8. It may even be possible to create a pink bolt on the way to white. Look at this picture and see if you can tell what I mean.
  9. I think when I tried power protein it was circular. Did they change the form?
  10. Other than a spontaneous mutation popping up, what do you think? Is it possible to selectively breed for a white pigmented shell of a neo?
  11. All I know about the original red cherry shrimp, for instance, is " bred originally in Germany and didn’t appear in the US until the 1990s when it really took off in popularity. "
  12. Every once in a while I post this thread. I keep hoping they'll be information one day (or even a book) on who originally invented what shrimp strain and the histories behind them. Does anyone have any information? It seems a shame that all the hard work gets lost. I guess I'll go first. DBV- Years ago, I received Blue Velvets from an importor named Speedie. These were ice blue and the newest color in neos at the time. I selectively bred them for a couple years to bring out a darker blue (what would be considered medium blue now) and released them to hobbyists as DBV. Shortly thereafter all kinds of strains labeled DBV popped up I had nothing to do with. LOL Nessie- I bought a blue pigmented shrimp mutation thrown from Fire Reds several years ago. The owner of the blue mutation would often switch the strain name to see which would sell better, and I honestly don't know if he ever landed on a steady name or not. I bred these for about a year, during which some weird green pigmented ones would randomly appear. I dumped the blue project because of space and concentrated on these strangely pigmented greens. When I was able to stabilize this weird strain years later, I released these to hobbyists as Nessie. I would love to have other histories here in one place. Anyone?
  13. So the more I'm looking into the original lines of jade, the culls seem to be blue. Perhaps not a cross, but blue type background? Not sure why the yellow dotted pigment on the shell then? Some other "Green Jades" are throwing orange culls. I think more than one "Green Jade" strain is currently being sold... What does this mean to the avg hobbyist? Absolutely nothing. For the breeder, it may be something to keep in mind.
  14. I remember before when I bought babaulti, I had the same experience. They just grew way too slow for me, so I eventually just sold them off. At some point I may try them again though.
  15. They'll start heading to the top of the tank. Wc and dose again of needed after 3 days. Keep your tank light off the first day. It photodegrades with light.
  16. I had to move a few ramshorns out today from a tank. This is a thick slice of cucumber after being left in for 9 hours.
  17. To anyone whom is wondering what we are talking about, it's basically genome engineering.
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