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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Thank you for the education, my friend.
  2. I'll give that some serious consideration. Thanks Shrimpo.
  3. So the leaves don't have oil in them?
  4. Pure sponge filter for me, although I have noticed that in my fish tanks that have HOB, I have NO hair algae! I am VERY interested in the Hamburg filters though. Someday I'll try that.
  5. Very interested in following the link you send.
  6. Good idea. I don't want too much in there, as I want to be able to keep an eye on the fish and make sure everything is going okay. These fish once they hatch out are so small, you can move them with an eye dropper. But substrate and moss with critters is an excellent idea. I'll set up a 2.5g and move some moss over within the next day or two. I just want to make sure I don't have ramshorns because teh fry tend to stay still for the first few days and I don't want them eaten. heh Hmmmm...do you think shrimp would eat these little fry?
  7. I have my first set of Bloody Mary's now. Still waiting for berries.
  8. Guess not. LOL Well, I'll have to learn that too.
  9. "Well, it's up to Will but our suggestions can help him make better decisions." I agree 100%. Bring those suggestions! Even if some have differing views, we all want this forum to succeed!
  10. It's up to you. You are the boss man. heh Personally, I think if we start separating into too many sections while we are still young (under 200 members thus far), it can give the appearance of inactivity because of such small post counts in each section.
  11. I'd be very interested in following your results. If you document it here in a journal, you have proof of your efforts as well if there's any question in the future.
  12. I know I went bonkers with shrimp, and may go bonkers with killis- so I'm staying away from guppies for the most part! LOL
  13. You always have to keep the probe wet or it is destroyed. New probes are expensive. ~$40 I used to keep a small cup with lid, and cut an X in the top of the lid. Added ro, and pushed the probe through it to keep it wet for storage. This past week, I put the probe in my crs tank as storage, and to monitor readings continually. http://aquariumsupplies.marinedepot.com/search?w=pinpoint&modaf=null Check the above link. They have some great specialty meters I'd love to have one day. TDS, Nitrate, even O2 readings!
  14. I was the sucker who bought them. They were just brown ramshorns.
  15. I have a Marine Pinpoint, but I pd ~$100 for it.
  16. Just about everyone is welcome, chibikaie.
  17. Here's a great read on the Establishment and care of a colony of parthenogenetic marbled crayfish, Marmorkrebs
  18. Good info, Shrimpo. I'll have to mentally pack that away. Microspikes?
  19. It divided the members of Shrimpnow. Many people who keep cards may or may not dabble in neos. The division there made a "us" against "them" environment. This is such a family place, do we really want to do that?
  20. Not sure I'd trust it. The high oil content scares me.
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