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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Soothing Shrimp


  2. As long as it isn't becoming a pattern, ya know?
  3. *shrugs* I honestly don't know. I just looked at pics on google, and saw what they had pictured. The truth is people probably misname it all teh time even in pics, so who knows what I have? All I know is that it is a ...er....problem... to get rid of. heh
  4. For water changes I use a SS filter on the end of my hose that I use to suction the water out. Maybe it would work for a snail guard if their waste is small enough?
  5. It's pretty common for the cheaper heaters to not be accurate with their temperature dial. Having said that, they do tend to hold steady withwhatever you dial in though. Hence the need for the manual one to be accurate.
  6. Simple. I hardly ever vacuum the tank.
  7. Soothing Shrimp


    LOL I hear ya. Every aquatic pet I have has to earn it's keep in one way or another, or it's gone. I have too many tanks I have to maintain, and I can't afford for them to do nothing.
  8. Soothing Shrimp


    Makes you wonder if those good reviews are written by employees of Petsmart, doesn't it?
  9. +1 I say leave it to Oblong. He's footing the bill. heh Not to mention the minute you divide shrimp into different categories, you divide up members as well.
  10. I've often thought it would be cool to breed a strain that has both red and black. I've seen solid reds and blacks on the same crystals before, so I know the coloration is possible.
  11. I always have doubled up. I put in teh heater and check the temperature- not by heater, but by manual thermometer on the suction cup.
  12. Mine might be Cladophora now that I look at pictures.
  13. That would be sweet. Are you going to try for nano Angels, wicca?
  14. May be environmental, however sometimes shrimp are just born to be food. Weak and don't make it.
  15. Well there ya go. I think the most valuable part of shrimping is learning to figure out things that work for you and your situation.
  16. Really not much to share that isn't out there- and to be honest, my techniques won't work for everyone. My best advice is that a Shrimper in the US has to listen to and read opinions on shrimping, then draw your own judgements from that according to what works for you. As an example, I've had very good breeding between 300-400 TDS. This year I decided to do differently and drop to 150-200TDS. Also I pulled all my heaters and am letting the environment change at will. Are these good ideas? Yes and no. They work for some shrimpers, and not for other shrimpers. Heck, this may not work at all for me- but, I'm always experimenting and trying new things to increase my knowledge and husbandry.
  17. Lots and lots and lots of info on Neos. Abut the line behind head- some people believe it is because of too much protein. Too much growth before ready to molt. Others believe the minerals are a little off. Mostly needing more magnesium.
  18. Ah, but think of healthy properly cared for dwarfs. Able to be kept in smaller tanks would definitely increase the popularity of keeping them IMHO.
  19. INteresting question though. Is it better to have male TB x fem CRS misch, or fem TB x male CRS. I would think the first one, but am I wrong?
  20. Thanks guys. It is very nice to be appreciated for selectively breeding. It's about the only reward, besides self fulfillment, that I will ever get. I've devoted myself to bettering lines over the past several years, but realistically no one will ever remember who I am. I'm doing what I can though to help shrimping for other shrimpers.
  21. I'm thinking of adding one soft and one daylight to my tops. The soft would be on as many hours as I have now, and the daylight one only for selection. Gotta experiment with the other tanks and see if it makes any difference in hair algae there as well....
  22. So what about the clear horizontal line behind the head? (You knew someone would start that. LOL)
  23. Welcome! Glad to have you here!
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